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Great Farmer Billy Bob's Character Profile


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Farmer Billy Bob
((Try your best to understand his thick farmer accent, but you can always just ask me. If you wish, you can try sounding it out loud to understand better... might turn out hilarious. x3))
“Aym Billeh Bub! Gud tah met yeh.”

Nicknames: Damn peasant

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Race: Human
Status: Aym verreh gud, fank’ya fur asken.

Height: Aym verreh tull.
Weight: Aym nup fat, shad up!
Body Type: Aym strung bekuz ay spen’ manneh uf mah tiem wurkun ‘un mah felds, wiff tha’ crups.
Eyes: Mah ahs? Ay’ve nevur seen thum... prubleh bruwn.
Hair: Mah heir, is ulso bruwn.
Skin: Ef ay culd seh mah skeen undur tha’ dert... thun ‘et wuld prubleh beh wigh’.
Markings/Tattoos: Ay nup haev anneh tattus ur’ markuns. Wut es ah “tattus” or “markun” anneh’wehs?
Health: Aym ‘en verreh gud helf, jus’ liek ah sed befur. Fank’ya fur asken... agein.
Wull thur esunt mach tah seh. Aym Billeh an ay liek tah gev pepul crups wun theh come arun’. Ay trah tah beh verreh gud furmur, ‘an ay gev mah crups to tha’ wigh’ ruse. Di’ ah menshun, ay liek tha’ wigh’ ruse? Yup yup, Billeh lieks ‘em. Urm... wull ‘ef ay dun liek ya’ thun ay’ll jus’ thruw taturs at yer fehs. Now’bah’deh lieks taturs ‘un thur fehs... righ’?
Inventory: Wun aym travelun ay liek tah taek a big bag full o’ crups wiff meh evur’wur. Ay ulso liek tah taek mah stun hoe wiff meh.
Further Details:
Hurm... wull aym ah verreh klean persun, ‘an ay liek crups. Ulso, ay dun liek kleanun mahsulf, jus’ liek mah fathur sed, tha’ dert ‘an grime ‘un yur trousurs ‘es pruuf uf yur hurd wurk, ‘an aym proud uf ‘et.


Life Style
Alignment*: Aym ah gud boy.
Deity*: Tha’ Emperar! Chosun bah tha creatur! Tha’ Emperar!
Religion: Ulwehs belef en tha’ creatur.
Alliance/Nation/Home Ay lev en Orun.
Job/Class: Aym a peasn fermur.
Title(s): Ay ulredeh sed aym a furmer...
Profession(s): Ay sed... AYM A FURMER!
Special Skill(s):
Billeh es verreh gud at maekun crups... an’... feedun mah animels.
Wut?! Yur trayen tah seh, tha' Billeh’s gut fluws?! Thas’ et, aym tellun tha’ emperar!


Current Status:
Nup talkun abou’ wichcreft wiff you.
Ay sed nup.
Current Spell(s):

Fighting Style: Wull Billeh lieks tah smak ya’ ‘un tha’ fehs.
Preferred Weapon: Hurm… ay’ll use ah pichfurk.
Favored Weapon: Yup yup, ah pichfurk.
Archery: Wut ‘es ‘en “archureh”?

Parents: Mah daddeh Billeh Bub Junior, an’ mah muthur, missus wench.
Siblings: Ay hav... sevun bruthurs, ‘an wun founsun sisturs... weit, huw much es a fousun agein? Wut ‘es sevun?... Ay dun remembur.
Children: Ukeh sure, wen du’ ya’ wanna haev childrun?
Extended Family: Mah favohrut ruk, “L’il Bobby”.
Pet(s): ... Mah favohrut ruk es a pet tu, righ’?

Wull, wun ay wus ah l’il boy, mah fathur ulwehs got meh tah hulp him ‘un tha’ furm. Evur’reh’deh weh wuld waek up, ‘an wurk a’ tha furm, ay wuld ulwehs feed tha’ piggehs ‘un tha’ kuws, fathur ulwehs tuld meh ta’ taek gud care uf thum. Ay ulwehs respek mah futhur, ‘an he tull meh tha’ thur wus ah “Gud”, sum’un who luk’d uvur ‘ull uf us. ‘An ulsoh, tha’ creatur pik’d wun man, ‘an tha’ wus tha’ grea’ Emperar. Ay ulwehs respek tha’ Emperar tu... ‘an mah crups as wull, jus’ bekuz they fed meh ever’reh’dey.
Bu’ wun deh, mah fathur di’n waek up, mah muthur sed ‘eh wen tah sleep fur'evur. Ay sed ukeh, bu’ aym stull waitun fur ‘im tah waek up, ay wannuh tulk tah him agein. Mah muthur leff’ meh affur’wurds, ‘an ay wus verreh sad abou’ tha’, bu’ ay wus ulredeh wun fousun yurs uld... ay still dun knuw wut a fousun es...
Wull, nuw aym wurkun a’ tha’ furm ‘un Kalus. Aym a verreh happeh furmer, ‘an aym proud uf mah crups. Ay jus’ knuw tha’ et es Billeh’s jub tah maek ever’wun happeh, jus’ liek mah fathur ded. So... do ya’ wun sum crups? Yer lukin’ hungreh...


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Its supposed to be OOC no need for the accent lol


@Cow: I laughed so hard when I read that lol

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Its supposed to be OOC no need for the accent lol


@Cow: I laughed so hard when I read that lol


Doesn't matter, I wrote an OOC one as well, but I decided an IC one would fit Billy better.

It's still OOC of course, but I really enjoyed writing it from Billy's perspective. :P

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I wuv this, now you should post the "Meet the Cannibal" Pwease?

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Haha, I'm roleplaying Monk Ezyrin for now guys.

Billy Bob will be back as soon as it has calmed down. ^-^

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