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The Aheral Exclusive - Staff Recruitment


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After the first concept press of The Aheral Exclusive, the paper

seeks capable people for finding stories and writing them out!

We are a paper for the public, not for the priviliged. Only speaking the

fair and harsh truth of Anthos about what's happening or who said what.


Being member of the Aheral Exclusive  will get you partial

salary if we raised enough money from advertisements. We speak

and spread the word through all Anthos, and we respect other employees

besides originating from a high elf family.


The Aheral Exclusive does not own an office yet, we are

fully working on getting one hopefully within the Haelun'Or walls or

somewhere else. Any assistence with raising funds for buying

land or an office, or simply donations are the most welcome and




Positions avaidable:




Collect stories, statements and see events happening through Anthos.

This will not only raise reputation for you, but as well grand yourself

a little more privilege and salary depending on the amount of raised funds.


((As long as you keep supplying valid stories, we won't intervene with what you do

when you are not hunting stories."


Advertising manager:


Convince and persuade groups and individuals for posting

their advertisements on our paper for a small price.




Be the valid opinion and voice in statements and analysis on complicated

situations & events. As a analyst you will be asked to

research and specialize yourself on one sector, race or group. So when

news occurs, we can have a well trained analyser speaking for the

man and women who did not want to coorperate.









Real Name:

Character name:



OOC age:

IC age:


Any experience with Journalism before?:


Will you hunt for stories and statements to have solid evidence and arguments for making it



Any preferation for? location / race to look for stories?


Do you have skype?::


Advertising manager:


Real name:


RP name:




OOC age:


IC age:


Any experience with persuation and diplomacy?


Will you convince people to post their advertisements on our paper & promote ours?:


What is according to you the best way to raise publicity for the paper?


Do you have skype?: :



Real name:


RP name:




OOC age:


IC age:


What would you like to analyse for us?:


Will you always remain fair and neutral towards maybe

personal influence towards stories or situations to be



Do you have skype?:


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