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Status Replies posted by Agy

  1. druidism day 9

    1. Agy


      Deeply respectable, wish you the best of luck!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. druidism day 9

    1. Agy


      How nice is the actual Aspect/Druid Lore and Mythology?
      Or what's your opinion on what you know of it?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Is it me, or have there been a whole lot more lore pieces being posted during this month compared to ones in the past?


    It's only been a week and the list of pending of lore, amendments and additions has already returned to what it was before the most recent (and pretty massive) loremag, as opposed to ones from only a few months ago ever needing to review around 5-6 on average


    Anyways time to continue being part of the problem like the greedy dumb dumb that I am!!! :}

  4. Is it me, or have there been a whole lot more lore pieces being posted during this month compared to ones in the past?


    It's only been a week and the list of pending of lore, amendments and additions has already returned to what it was before the most recent (and pretty massive) loremag, as opposed to ones from only a few months ago ever needing to review around 5-6 on average


    Anyways time to continue being part of the problem like the greedy dumb dumb that I am!!! :}

    1. Agy


      Oh phew! That's good to hear!
      I was getting worried for a second back there : >

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Who wants necromancy type 123 in chat

  6. im just saying this is a perfect opportunity for one of you nutjobs to write an anarchy-based CA/MA

    1. Agy


      Fully Dice-based wild magic MA/CA

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. “Darkspawn” no longer has meaning or punch

    1. Agy


      Viewing the various magics and creatures from the lenses of "light vs dark" feels like the quickest way to make them seem hallow and without nuance.


      And let's not act like the "Light" magics' are infact entirely morally good


      They each have their own wildly different stories, themes and cultures, They are -Tools- to be used by anyone.


      Attempting to fit them in a binary of good/bad is how we get people trying to put the outright and publically sadistic and cannibalistic Witches with no redeeming qualities, in the same group with the dragons that follow a pact to defend humanity and that would also wish to murder said witches on the spot.


      They are all weird and they all share the same world and used by vastly different people, if we want an actually accurate name for all of these 'darkspawns' then it would be "Illegal magics", because that's actually what decides what a 'Darkspawn' is

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. “Darkspawn” no longer has meaning or punch

    1. Agy


      Might be the fault of your average "anti-darkspawn" magic grouping all of these vastly different entities under the name of "do-baddering", or just people being really keen on making the different MAs/CAs as black and white as possible


      The Azdrazi are only seemingly called that because they are included in Holy Magics' mechanical "evil monster" lists and because they're scawy lizards

      Edited by Agy
    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. “Darkspawn” no longer has meaning or punch

    1. Agy


      What was it like when it did have said thing?

      Edited by Agy
    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. can someone explain to me why people consider Frost witches to be broken/bad lore? I've genuinely no clue because ive never interacted with one in the 9 years ive been on here.

    1. Agy


      The best way would be to just read the lore itself, but I suppose a quicker more effective method would be to look at the latest batch of amendments that have been made for the CA within the past 2~ months. I would advise reading the "Purpose" of each one to get an idea of SOME of the issues that plague the CA in its current write.

      A quick summary of the issues addressed in each amendment would be:



      - A Dark CA with a Dark Magic that is dependent on minecraft biomes, being crippled if outside of any region that is already cold (Being the only amendments that has been accepted so far.)


      - Only non-CRP focused tools for creating any manner of RP are curses that only work when you are not disguised and provide lack luster effects or 'cured food' creations that has too little choices to do anything unique

      - Following the restrictions to never exit any already frozen regions, as well as requiring to do an entire ritual requiring other witches to heal mere slashes and scrapes, that if not healed could lead to the witch bleeding out. With said rituals reaching ridiculous amounts of efforts as well as needing an entirely other Witch to assist for what would be naturally healed by mortal characters and taking efforts that boggle the mind to replace a single limb at a time.

      - Being soft-PK should they be killed by decapitation/burning, thus requiring an entire ritual of a Frost Mother, another witch and an entire descendant female corpse. To revive what has otherwise been every single Witch death within this year, there has yet to be a single death from a method that didn't result to a Soft-PK. Thus making any risk taking such as battles extremely risky since it means that should you perish, your fellow players will need to go on an entire hunt to revive you.

      - Frost Mothers, the endgame of the CA, taking up 5 Magic Slots and being required in ALL Fjarriagua rituals that are responsible for the very maintenance of the CA, as well as the cursing of new witches... Is an active debuff in every sense of the word. 
      They get exposed more easily, they have the strength of a voidal mage while their magic does not get any stronger at all, they get a single new CRP ability that is purely dependent on the Mother having other witches around her and that once is finished being casted, results in her being knocked out.  And the entirey of the CA depends on people being forced to become Frost Mothers or else your coven, if not the CA goes extinct.



      Edited by Agy
      forgot to spoiler the big ol' thingy...
  11. Someone should make a Mummy (The Egyptian kind.) CA.

    1. Agy


      Oh right, yeah.
      Mummies are just egyptian necromancers.
      Forgot about that...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. I used to fear the redlines. So precarious and unexpected.

    To pre-emptively expect the random crap that people would come up to do with one's lore. To recall of the various details and mechanics of the server as a whole.


    But now, I feel nothing but love for the stalwart redline. Oh how beautiful it is! It's a competition to come up with random nonsense on the spot, It boggles the mind in might, an arms race between you and the LT for who can be the most paranoid and for who possess a true mind of cheesing mechanics to their breaking point!


    Glory be to the redline! Painted with the blood of the Creator Itself!

    1. Agy


      I have been writing nothing but redlines for hours at this point, I am so freaking tired.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Today is the day Discord dies and we finally focus on RP methods of communication

    1. Agy


      I want to see a Victorian-Era orphan in the middle of a city's square handing out newspapers for every single Forum post that somehow everyone has access to, It would after all actually drive characters to talk about the news mentioned as opposed to making one-liners of their character acknowledging the fact since they can do absolutely nothing else..!!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Too many Ghoul CA's being made. Join my ghost and rock-knight emo band.

    1. Agy


      what instruments would I get to play?

  15. bring back world team

    1. Agy


      What did they do? :}

  16. if ppl under 18 are allowed on the server any mention of sex should be banned and stork lore should be put in place ! 

    1. Agy


      The admins don't want you to know this, but there's practically an infinite and untapped source of orphant children running around in the wild to be adopted and they are all free!

      I've gotten like 17 of them!

      Edited by Agy
    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  17. Me on my way to farm rep over bland and boring takes 

    1. Agy


      Idk, wouldn't a "rep farm" imply that people are actually agreeing with them, that it's just parroting an already agreed upon opinion for that sweet delicious internet validation?


      Looking at how we are nearing 200 replies on said post, I don't think that is the case...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Has there ever been a scenario in which a bandit had to team up with their victim because a bunch of spookies found them and aimed to murderize both?

  19. the void in it's DETAIL is a wildly underutilized concept. shoutout to everyone requesting amendments to make voidal magic more VOIDAL

    1. Agy


      Isn't that what Darkstalker is already attempting to do?


      Or did you mean something different when you say "In its detail"?

      Edited by Agy
    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. PSA: the cloud temple is not an ooc place. it is very real.

    1. Agy


      I remember seeing a really old video of someone playing within Lotc and actually seeing that Monks were infact actual players at one point???


      That was a really funny surprise, whatever happened to that?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Honestly, lore creatures that have to suffer major cooldowns, have their character locked away for x amount of time or require an extansive process of revival to be playable again after death are simply incentivized to try and avoid dying at all costs in encounters. Strip that shit out please, it doesn't make it any more fun for any party involved

    1. Agy


      @Unwillingly Yeah sorry about that... Was riding a dumb train of thought at that moment.


      It had more to do with viewing it through the lenses of the ever favorite concept of "immortality" and how it provides no real 'point' at all and infact makes you be OOCly more worried over death since it now actually has penalties for said creatures. For example you could just become an elf and never consent to PKing your character on death and you could still have them live for up to 20 IRL years before they grow too old. (Which of course isn't an issue! This is in the end of the day a place with the goal of creating stories, nobody should be able to forcefully kill off another's character before their player is ready to put their tale to an end themselves..!!!!!)


      That was the idea, entirely divorced from the fact that the creatures that often possess said immoralities are inhumane entities that have grown detached and separate from the rest of descendantkind down to their very soul having been altered and being creatures that most often than not, retain said immortality by eating the bone marrow of newborn infants or smth. On which point I 100% agree with you, OF COURSE and creatures that have abilities that center specifically on murderizing people should face penalties once they are actually vanquished so that they are even the smallest amount more careful about who or where they attack


      This wasn't mean to be interpreted as "Darkspawn should have the exact same respawn mechanics as your average unremarkable person", just how having your character become actually immortal is not all that special really

      Edited by Agy
    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. Honestly, lore creatures that have to suffer major cooldowns, have their character locked away for x amount of time or require an extansive process of revival to be playable again after death are simply incentivized to try and avoid dying at all costs in encounters. Strip that shit out please, it doesn't make it any more fun for any party involved

    1. Agy


      It's also a really weird double standard when "mortal" characters face no punishment on death whatsoever, just instant revival by monks and you can continue RPing as if nothing even happened, you don't even need to acknowledge your death and all its baggage as It is pretty much voided from existence

      Edited by Agy
    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. Honest Question:
    How do people RP Astronomy/Astrology within the server?

    I've really really been wanting to dwell into that and any RP it might potentially give way to, but with the lore not really giving much concrete material to work without the need of any magic, I am not sure where to start...

    1. Agy


      It's a bit too late for me to read it in its entirety, but from a quick scroll, I have the feeling like this is going to be one of those life-altering lore posts.


      If so, uh, thank very very very much??? This is freaking incredible? Holy Hell?!?

      Edited by Agy
    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  24. Honest Question:
    How do people RP Astronomy/Astrology within the server?

    I've really really been wanting to dwell into that and any RP it might potentially give way to, but with the lore not really giving much concrete material to work without the need of any magic, I am not sure where to start...

    1. Agy


      . . .Wait you can make lore for Constellations?


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  25. Honest Question:
    How do people RP Astronomy/Astrology within the server?

    I've really really been wanting to dwell into that and any RP it might potentially give way to, but with the lore not really giving much concrete material to work without the need of any magic, I am not sure where to start...

    1. Agy


      Yeah, I guessed as much, It's the fun of RPing after all. :}
      But I am not sure where to actually begin with my own made up shenanigans, or what to even make up.

      I am supposed to have a telescope and look up at shiny dots in the night sky... So not a lot to work with.

      Edited by Agy
    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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