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Everything posted by Bisscy

  1. *Goons vibrate in their chairs as they read the thread*
  2. Boom powder make metal ball go ZOOOOOOOOOM
  3. *The weary man would reach up to remove his mask, his gaze would fall to the missive with an intrigued expression. “I wonder if the Order would take interest in seeking this large species if they are in fact snakes.” The man would then depart from the board and look for one of his many friends.
  4. Map would be too small and a ***** to get around if it was real lmao.
  5. I think we can all agree that barbecue flavored things don’t taste like real barbecue.
  6. RP Name:: Roderick Kortrevich MC Username: BiSc0 Discord: BiSc0#0108 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Haense, Druids. Why Do You Wish To Come?: To aid the Druids. Sense of duty. What Skills Can You Bring?: Veteran fighter. Battle medic. Human BEAN.
  7. . Majority of banditry role-play sucks and it lacks actual interaction the excuses of why it tends to be poor is sad. However I’ve had banditry that I found fun and enjoyed and I believe that if people took their time and had character development why they were bandits I think it would be a great part of the server. . CRP is not for everyone and constantly bringing up the fact Lotc is a role-play server and not factions or something similar is getting old. Pvp can and has been used for role-play for years on Lotc and in general a lot of other games. I do believe that people who tend to call Pvp should in fact attempt to CRP as should Rpers try and Pvp instead of calling a GM. (Cause neither one of you would want to wait hours for a response I bet) If both parties agree to Pvp let it happen and same for CRP. . I wouldn’t call myself pro banditry nor am I against it I am in the middle. I lean towards being against it, but I can swiftly change to liking it if banditry role-play is taken serious by not only the bandits but everyone. (Don’t delete my msg lemme know if I took a jab at anyone. My ma was proud that I took time and typed something.)
  8. If Kharajyr are the cat people I believe they live in the southern cities. I’ve seen a few with the dark elves but I can’t be positive.
  9. Bisscy

    selling stuff

    Obtaining a smithy is quite simple all you gotta do is find a city/town that has an open smithy or possibly ask the owner of a blacksmith if you could work there. Selling weapons will either be done by selling them in a stall, shop, or the auctioneer.
  10. Oh wow people actually live there...
  11. I dodged many bullets in not visiting the city as often. Poor Cornivore may he find peace without the e girls.
  12. Pretty sure you have to leave a sign saying the door was broken into.
  13. Lmao I ruined the shot.
  14. I’d suggest option 2 with raid supplies being more expensive. It isn’t news that a lot of people only get on when a rally to raid or skirmish is called so having costs to do such a thing I believe is appropriate.
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