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Status Updates posted by Nozgoth

  1. Anyone interested in playing a snaga (slave) for the orcs? Hit me up Nozoa#5616

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rukio


      if you say so @Nozoa

    3. Nozgoth


      @rukio ghost lore got accepted I think... you know what that means 😉

    4. rukio




  2. In the depths of the ancient forests, there lived a tribe of mushroom people. They were strange and otherworldly, with caps like umbrellas and stalks as thick as tree trunks. Their eyes glowed with an eerie light, and their spores could cause madness in those who breathed them.

    These mushroom people were not kind. They lived in a brutal society, where strength and power were the only things that mattered. They worshiped a dark deity, whose name was whispered only in the darkest of nights. They sacrificed their own kind to this deity, believing that it would grant them strength and longevity.

    Their weapons were made of sharpened fungus and their armor was woven from spider silk and mycelium. They were formidable in battle, their agility and strength fueled by the dark magic they wielded. They would ambush travelers who ventured too deep into the forest, taking them as sacrifices to their deity.

    The mushroom people were feared by all who knew of them. Their very existence was a reminder that there were things in the world far beyond human understanding. They were creatures of darkness and death, with no mercy for those who stood in their way.

    But even in the darkness, there were those who sought to overthrow the mushroom people's reign of terror. Warriors from nearby villages banded together, seeking to rid the forest of the mushroom people once and for all. They fought with all their might, but the mushroom people's magic was too strong, and their bodies too resilient.

    In the end, the warriors were forced to retreat. They knew that the mushroom people would continue to be a threat, and that they would never truly be safe as long as the tribe existed. But as they made their way back to their villages, they knew that they had not given up the fight. They would continue to search for a way to defeat the mushroom people, no matter how long it took.

    And so, the mushroom people remained, ruling over their dark corner of the forest. Their worship of their dark deity continued, their sacrifices fueling the magic that kept them strong. And those who knew of them could only hope that they would never have to face the mushroom people's wrath.

  3. It’s been fun, friends

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      oof man. Gonna miss your rep farming.

    2. Sorcerio


      what broke you?

    3. DylanDeNewb


      noz my friend 😞

  4. Still trying to figure out how to go third person IRL, without a camera and stuff. Trying meditation, I’ll let y’all know if it works.

    1. Princeton


      I think you’re looking for special K

    2. Buru


      You gotta look outside yourself man, i’ve been doing this since second grade

  5. Anything going on in LOTC lately?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Urahra


      someone tried to pay someone else to PK their character and now there’s a ban report on the emperor of oren


      in other words, business as usual

    3. Nozgoth
    4. Mark2282


      maybe check out Vira’ker, I heard the place is pretty exciting lately

  6. ooga frickin booga

  7. new name who dis

    1. Ttsim


      it’s me. You.

  8. 9.0 needs a massive underdark

  9. a

    Edited by Nozoa
  10. about a week ago!!!!!!!!!!

  11. all fun and games til Nozgoth on the beat

  12. Any good irp jewelry makers? I have a custom request for a gemmed circlet.

  13. anyone down to make Ruswick 2.0? Or it must be like 3.0 by now.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      As a settlement or vassal? Would be hard to not be a vassal because it'd cost you like 5k just to set it up and there'd be a pretty harsh activity check too (RIP old days of easy charters).

    2. Nozgoth
    3. hemomancy
  14. anyone else just in a 'bruh moment' right now?

  15. anyone else miss arcas sutican culture

  16. Anyone good at interiors and would like to help with a lab contact me on disc Nozoa#5616

    Edited by Nozoa
  17. anyone wanna try this cool game I coded?

    1. 1_Language_1
    2. 1_Language_1



    3. Slorbin
  18. apply to the roleplaying guild today! 


    1. Traveller


      will we roleplay in the roleplaying guild? how hard will we roleplay?

    2. Nozgoth


      we will roleplay so hard that our roleplay characters have roleplay characters @Traveller

  19. are there any good interior builders out there that I can employ for some minas? Dm me for more info Nozoa#5616

  20. Azgoth is the new map guys!

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