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  • Birthday October 11

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  1. hey! i'm making a thread on homophobia oocly. dm me if u want to share ur experiences with homophobia/transphobia/biphobia on lotc. eden#6765. everything will be anonymous

    1. Werew0lf


      Please don’t. There’s already been numerous posts and threads about this already. If you have concerns about homophobia, transphobia etcetera, instead of making a post, simply report it to moderation. People like you who feed publicity (which has been done before) won’t correct the wrongs you’re listing. 



    2. TheCapybara


      1 hour ago, Werew0lf said:

      Please don’t. There’s already been numerous posts and threads about this already. If you have concerns about homophobia, transphobia etcetera, instead of making a post, simply report it to moderation. People like you who feed publicity (which has been done before) won’t correct the wrongs you’re listing. 




      I have to slightly disagree with you. Yes incidents which happen should be reported to mods as soon as possible, as it would be good to report things and problems as such to the correct authority. But, what froeggy is doing, is spreading awareness (in my perspective). Which yes spreading awareness wont fully solve the problem but might influence more people to report these problems so they can be dealt with swiftly.


      [EDIT] : (Additionally, I think the post which froeggy is working can be a great community wide discussion)


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