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Everything posted by gavyn

  1. For Wicks to be barons again
  2. Scribed in remembrance of those fallen in the defensive effort against the Scyfling forces. Geast I Ve Fitsker As the smoke clears and the casualties are counted, a lone fighter hangs high in the sky. His comrades gather their wounded and rest their lost, trekking along a beaten path to their home of New Reza. As they venture through the lush and lively Haeseni countryside the fighter follows along, shortly behind his brothers as they return to the walls of the city. The fighter hangs his head as he knows his time is up and he no longer can walk with his men, with one final look over New Reza he nods and makes his leave. The fighter retreats over the sky scraping Steel Hills and into the dense and quiet Wick Wood. He is at peace with what has come of him and knows it was for the better of his country and people. As the fighter slowly closes his eyes looking over the land he called home, one final thought fled his mind and escaped his lips in a soft mutter “Krusae Zwy Kongzem”. With this he was ready, his soul being claimed and returned to the Seven Skies. But behind he left, a single mortal possession. One he could not take with him and was forced to leave behind. Sojoernaal I Ve Fitsker The shouting begins and the screaming is heard, as the Haeseni holds their ground strong and true. A flood of Scyfling scum rushing out towards the stout walls of the Fort at Metterden, this would be the true test of strength. Javelin quickly flew overhead, shattering shields of the Crows one by one, sending ballista fire back in response. Their motive to take this land remains unclear to most, but this will not stop the men of gold and black as we fight until our last breath, and in response “Krause Zwy Kongzem” we shout until our voice cannot be heard any longer. We fight for the spirit of Haense and the protection of our heritage, this land gifted to us by Godani and protected by the soldiers of those who inherited it. It was not long though until the Scyfling horde began creeping in on the ravine that held our brave cavalrymen. They through everything at us, but we prevailed even lost in a daze of confusion and pain simply because the fight was not over. As javelin continued to fly towards the proud Haeseni men, we gave a constant fight back until the moment we break. Our men falling one by one and there was no telling how this would end, so what could we do but fight. My life before theres, I will not not this kingdom fall under some barbarian claiming this is his land. Bralt I pity you, thinking we will fall so easily. So hear this in fear “Krusae Zwy Kongzem”. Ser Siegmund Wick
  3. Geast I Ve Fitsker As the smoke clears and the casualties are counted, a lone fighter hangs high in the sky. His comrades gather their wounded and rest their lost, trekking along a beaten path to their home of New Reza. As they venture through the lush and lively Haeseni countryside the fighter follows along, shortly behind his brothers as they return to the walls of the city. The fighter hangs his head as he knows his time is up and he no longer can walk with his men, with one final look over New Reza he nods and makes his leave. The fighter retreats over the sky scraping Steel Hills and into the dense and quiet Wick Wood. He is at peace with what has come of him and knows it was for the better of his country and people. As the fighter slowly closes his eyes looking over the land he called home, one final thought fled his mind and escaped his lips in a soft mutter “Krusae zwy Kongzem”. With this he was ready, his soul being claimed and returned to the Seven Skies. Ser Siegmund Wick
  4. Siegmund frowns as he looks at his empty medal display case.
  5. Cute comment, +1
  6. Siegmund Wick smiles as he reads the words of this brief history of his family. He’d nod with a short laugh “I never thought my blind cousin of all people would be this grand of a writer!”
  7. RP Name::The Lost Haenseman MC Username: SomebodyHelpMe Discord: Gavyn#4574 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Haense Why Do You Wish To Come?: To explore the land that my predecessors walked before me. Also to bring back knowledge of this threat back to Haense. What Skills Can You Bring?: medical skills, cooking, resourcefulness, knowledge of most plants and their effect, honed survival skills, ability to listen to authority figures, and good luck.
  8. Amazing, you're in and Lieutenant already. Good job
  9. Minecraft name: O_Xone RP name: Grimwold Aadne Stafyr Race: Human Subrace: Highlander Age: 24 Gender: Male Discord: O-Xone#4574
  10. ((OOC information)) Minecraft name: O_Xone RP name: Thren Race: Snelf Subrace: Age: 59 Gender: Male Discord: O-Xone #4574
  11. gavyn


    Thren is a 58 year old snow elf. He has been roaming Atlas for the last 30 years of his life on his own searching for his meaning in life. He grew up in Velaris a Snow Elf city in Axios with his father, but was taken away and forced into child labor on a farm in St. Karlsburg at the age of 21. Memories of his father are far amd few he only remembers training and has faint ones of his mother, but the only memories he has of her is when she would say Thren, he thought it sounded like a nice name. This is the name he stuck with. He decided to run away from the farm at the age of 27 and started traveling Atlas at 28. The only things keeping him alive is the rigorous training from his childhood with the Snow Elf, his fast wit, and his free spirit. He has received many gifts over the years but doesn't cherish any as much as his cloak and goggles. The goggles are his favorite though, the frame made out of pure brass, sapphire glass to protect the eyes and to finish it off the strap is made from the leather of a Cave Cow.
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