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Status Updates posted by Acostrob

  1. woulg you be able to turn me into Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast

    1. christman


      woulg you be able to turn me into Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast

    2. Child Neglecter
  2. woulg you be able to turn me into

    Wight Barrowlords

    Effigies of the Synod


    The fo

  3. Hey  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast  I've taken some time and really read through the whole of your  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast   lore entry. And had the question of how would I be able to have  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast   done to my character. I'm going through some development and my friend sent me this idea for my  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast   character. I was just wondering how I can get in contact with someone about setting up  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast   where I can possibly  Vargyr - The Accursed Werbeast  . Please let me know when you can, but no rush.

    1. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      Hey man, I've taken some time and roon roon through the whole of your roon lore entry. And had the question of how would roon roon able to have roon done to roon character. roon going through roon roon development roon my roon sent roon roon roon idea for roon roon guild character. roon roon roon wondering how roon roon get in contact roon roon roon setting up roon event where roon roon roon change. Please let roon know roon roon roon roon, but no roon.

    2. Carson


      bark bark bark

  4. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.”

  5. bloo magic can you give me blod magic hi it would make a lot of sence for my character can you teach me blod magicc

    1. TeawithFrisket


      Trying to voice this sent me u

      into giggle fit

  6. do it matta though

  7. hi give me adrazi


    1. champ


      strong message

  9. if youre wondering why there are so many people dying lately its me. i am mentally unstable and a danger to society

  10. imma be real with you all, i dont think 

    1. dogbew


      Me either tbh

    2. khovend


      i think


    3. DrakeHaze.


      therefore i am

  11. is half life 3 going to drop before the varg rewrite feedback?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. snakegotcake
    3. Acostrob


      "errrm sorry but after half a year we decided it didn't generate enough roleplay to be added back"

    4. ᚽᛁ ᚢᚽᚭ ᛌᛁᛁᛌ

      ᚽᛁ ᚢᚽᚭ ᛌᛁᛁᛌ

      It comes out the day after Silksong drops

  12. okay I'll be honest because this has reached a breaking point. PLease for the love of god stop with the

  13. opps caught me eating macking cheese from the michael wave 💔

  14. Opps was talking crazy. Shot em in the mouth

  15. the du of the loc

  16. We Ohio. Gyat. RIZZ.

  17. when th w hen t when when the w the wh

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