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Everything posted by Melpomenne

  1. it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
  2. Magda Carrion, daughter of a Carrion, who is a son of a Carrion, who is a son of a Carrion, who is a son of a Carrion, frowned.
  3. "I do love a good story." Remarked the local baker, Marcela.
  4. A young crow beams pridefully.
  5. claus de weezer


  6. [!] Before the Basilica of the Argentate Star, a site ablaze, lay a missive. This same missive would be seen pinned upon the doors of numerous chapels and other holy sites throughout Haense and Oren. [Witches’ Sabbath, Francisco Goya] ─────── °𓁺° ─────── ⦿PEN Y⦿UR EYES [Unknown Artist] ✙ The horrid heat. A lesson. A warning calls from within the flames. 𐤕‬𐤇‬𐤄‬ 𐤇‬𐤏‬𐤓‬𐤓‬‬𐤉‬𐤃‬ 𐤇‬𐤄‬𐤀‬𐤕‬. 𐤀‬ 𐤋‬𐤄‬𐤔‬𐤔‬𐤏‬𐤍‬. 𐤀‬ w𐤀‬𐤓‬𐤍‬‬𐤉‬𐤍‬g 𐤂‬𐤀‬𐤋‬𐤋‬𐤔‬ 𐤅‬𐤓‬𐤏‬𐤌‬ w‬𐤉‬𐤕‬𐤇‬‬𐤉‬𐤍‬ 𐤕‬𐤇‬𐤄‬ 𐤅‬𐤋‬𐤀‬𐤌‬𐤄‬𐤔‬. [He-goat, Unknown Artist] ✙ Do not mistake his patience for weakness 𐤃‬𐤏‬ 𐤍‬𐤏‬𐤕‬ 𐤌‬‬𐤉‬𐤔‬𐤕‬𐤀‬𐤊‬𐤄‬ 𐤇‬‬𐤉‬𐤔‬ w𐤀‬𐤓‬𐤍‬‬𐤉‬𐤍‬g 𐤅‬𐤏‬𐤓‬ w𐤄‬𐤀‬𐤊‬𐤍‬𐤄‬𐤔‬𐤔‬ He waits, Watching from within your own eyes. 𐤇‬𐤄‬ w𐤀‬𐤕‬𐤂‬𐤇‬𐤄‬𐤔‬, 𐤔‬𐤐‬y‬𐤉‬𐤍‬g 𐤅‬𐤓‬𐤏‬𐤌‬ w‬𐤉‬𐤕‬𐤇‬‬𐤉‬𐤍‬ y𐤏‬u𐤓‬ 𐤏‬w𐤍‬ 𐤄‬y𐤄‬𐤔‬. He will claim those tainted and free them cleansed. He will guide us, fix us, make us greater. He is coming. Our time is nigh. 𐤇‬𐤄‬ w‬𐤉‬𐤋‬𐤋‬ 𐤂‬𐤋‬𐤀‬‬𐤉‬𐤌‬ 𐤕‬𐤇‬𐤏‬𐤔‬𐤄‬ 𐤕‬𐤀‬‬𐤉‬𐤍‬𐤕‬𐤄‬𐤃‬, 𐤅‬𐤓‬𐤄‬𐤄‬ 𐤕‬𐤇‬𐤏‬𐤔‬𐤄‬ 𐤂‬𐤋‬𐤄‬𐤀‬𐤍‬. 𐤇‬𐤄‬ w‬𐤉‬𐤋‬𐤋‬ 𐤔‬𐤀‬v𐤄‬ u𐤔‬, 𐤅‬‬𐤉‬𐤎‬ u𐤔‬, 𐤌‬𐤀‬𐤊‬𐤄‬ u𐤔‬ g𐤓‬𐤄‬𐤀‬𐤕‬𐤄‬𐤓‬. 𐤇‬𐤄‬ ‬𐤉‬𐤔‬ 𐤂‬𐤏‬𐤌‬‬𐤉‬𐤍‬g. 𐤏‬u𐤓‬ 𐤕‬‬𐤉‬𐤌‬𐤄‬ ‬𐤉‬𐤔‬ 𐤍‬‬𐤉‬g𐤇‬. The G⊚at is ⊚ur savi⊚r. 𐤕‬𐤇‬𐤄‬ g𐤏‬𐤀‬𐤕‬ ‬𐤉‬𐤔‬ 𐤏‬u𐤓‬ 𐤔‬𐤀‬v‬𐤉‬𐤏‬𐤓‬. ─────── °𓁺° ─────── [!] The missive was left unsigned. There was no trace back to its source.
  7. The Anti-Bojo grimaced, the missive crinkling betwixt his grip as the blood soaked is garbs. "They will learn."
  8. The egg hunt will last until April 26th and the beat the bunny event will last until April 30th! You have plenty of time. :3
  9. This year, the Community Team is excited to be holding our Easter Events! Our team members have gone around the entire map, hiding eggs in every nook and cranny for you all to mind! Beat the Bunny How Will It Work? Players will make a /creq requesting to begin the event. You will gather together in groups of 3-6 people at a time. An example of the request: /creq we have 5 players ready for the bunny event! Once the request has been taken, the group will be warped to the event site. A countdown will be set off. Once it begins, the bunny will set off for a head start. Once the countdown has concluded, your group will be able to follow behind the bunny. You’ll have 5 mins to make your way around Easter Island and down the bunny. If your group downs the bunny within those 5 minutes, the entire group will be rewarded prizes. The event lasts for the rest of the month; April 17th @6:00pm EST - April 30th and can be ran anytime in this time period that a Community Team Member is available. Rules Players may not use any of their gear and will be statused so they do not down each other. All groups must stick to the 3-6 members per group. If the players beat the bunny within 5 minutes, they will be warped back to the beginning of the event site and be rewarded their gifts. You can only join the event once. The Second Great Easter Egg Hunt The Story Mister Pachapooza, an aged man who’s origin reaches back to the great migration from Arcas to Almaris, is the infamous shopkeeper of Pachapooza’s Antique Emporium. The man has spent many days and nights roaming the vast lands of this newfound continent insearch of those who’ve marked their path. Over the years, Mister Pachapooza has been able to stock most of his shelves with various trinkets and knick knacks. People come and go, trading this for that. However, there was a single shelf left barren. Help Mister Pachapooza stock that shelf by finding some of these eggs all around Almaris! He might even trade you a hefty sum or even a great prize. How Will It Work? After finding an egg, players will make a /creq. An example of the request: /creq I have found an egg at 123, 456, -7690 If you’ve found a golden egg, please do: /creq I have found golden egg at 123, 456, -7690 Once the request has been taken, the CT member will warp the player, and whomever they are with, to Mister Pachapooza’s shop. There, you will be able to barter with Mister Pachapooza for a reward. Rules Players must follow the correct formatting for the /creq. You can only collect two eggs per person. Prizes Fifty eggs can be exchanged for Mina. Fifty eggs can be exchanged for a unique, limited edition CT Event item. 5 Golden eggs can be exchanged for a steam game key. (One egg = One prize. This applies to all eggs.) A big thank you to our CT Event Team & Staff Volunteers for this project! Credits: Build: @Minth_11 @Laeonathan Post: @Melpomenne Egg Placement: @HogoBojo, @Minth_11, @SaviourMeme, @Nikophos, @Pancho, @Buffsanta Providing the games: @Jenny_Bobbs
  10. [!] The farmer of Dobrov welcomed all birds.
  11. unbaed, my highness What is your favorite artistic medium? Thoughts on watercolor paint?
  12. Pharzana the Karaltoz, the Barrowess of Bones, awaits the return of the All-Highest Evilness Himself.
  13. "I hope madness is nie genetic. . ." Magda mulled over this thought, making sure to include her good friend Calanthe in her nightly prayers.
  14. excalibur 🙏 its not laggy and looks pretty nice and cool and nice
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