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Status Updates posted by Mannamannaa

  1. I just realized On The Blah has passed 2k views. My jaw is dropped. Thank you all!

  2. Kaktuz Weekli Issue 2 releasing today!


  3. Hey there! OOC stuff has delayed the second issue of the Kaktuz Weekli, thank you for looking forward to it though! =)

  4. Kaktus Weekli Issue 2 is currently on delay due to OOC matters, will happen soon though!


    Also thinking of changing release day to Wednesday afternoons for more time writing after big weekend events? What do you all think? 

    1. teeylin


      Wednesdays would be a good middle ground to report on previous weekend events and advertise the for next weekend. :)
      Looking forward to the next issue!! 

  5. To the wonderful RPer who I haven't talked with in ages: How have you been?

  6. So who would like to see me create event or story approved alcohol with special ingredients?

  7. Hey Classybells! I would like to IRPly make some alcohol with the story event item you gave me for completing the plant event. How would I go about doing that and getting it signed in the highest quality possible? Would it need an application of some kind?


    1. ClassyDryad


      I'll dm you on discord 😎

  8. IRPly go vlat in'ag vyre, but OOCly great job with the Iblees posting. Look forward to good RP against you in the future

    1. megavoltar



  9. Yay RP with Musin! That's what I'm talking about!

  10. ``` Dear Son,


    I hope this letter finds you well. I recently came across a website called "Lord of the Craft" and was surprised to find that you are a prominent member of this server. I must admit, I am a little confused by this website and the activities that take place on it.


    I understand that you enjoy role playing as different fantasy characters and engaging in various forms of magic, but I am concerned about some of the things I have heard about the server, such as wars and a thing called "ERP" that I do not understand. I worry about the time and energy you are spending on this website and the potential negative effects it may have on your well-being.


    Please know that I support your interests and hobbies, but I also want to make sure you are safe and healthy. I would love to learn more about this server and what you do on it, so please consider sitting down with me to explain it in more detail.


    I love you and want the best for you, always.




    [Your Mom] ```


    Copypasta Moment


  12. TMW your plans for SOL culture posting spirals into serverwide event reporting on a weekly basis.

  13. Writing up articles now, First issue will be released on Monday! 

  14. This is a cool person willing to read the Kaktuz Weekli. Be like Wholesome_Thomas.

  15. Totally intentional to blow up giant plant infested mind-controlled centipedes with point blank blasting potions... yep. mmhmm. No mistakes were made At All. Did Not give myself a concussion and cracked rib.

    1. Mannamannaa


      More details will be given in the Kaktus Weekli.

    2. ClassyDryad


      The plant lobby is demanding revenge. I can only hold them back for so long.

  16. Orc Newspaper now hiring?

    1. Malins Welcome

      Malins Welcome

      how do I order a subscription

    2. Mannamannaa


      It will be posted in either the Iron Horde or Orc culture subforums, probably Iron Horde since it is San'Velku based. Feel free to follow my Forum account for updates though! ;P


  17. The jingling of Waghbells and the click-clack of flying Skaddernaks can be heard in the far off distance...

    Vats of Ungri Cocolog are laid to chill, Stockings are impaled on spikes in place of severed heads, sprigs of Mizzletow strung from ceilings, and the finest aromas of Kaktuz Green drift throughout Almaris...


    Krugsmas Approaches.

  18. Hey all! Writing up the first issue of The Kaktuz Weekli soon, hope you all are having a great weekend!

  19. Sharing Orc Kulture with visitors to Krugmar, drinking Grog, smoking blunts and bartering in a halfling village... Today has been a good day. Please message me or Kor'Garr if you want to meet up sometime!

  20. You have convinced me to start a newspaper of my own for the Orcs. Thank you =)

    1. annabanana1014


      AWw!! hey- we should def go things together. I want Writer's League to be inclusive to all races and ppl around the map. it's just different rp and it would be so cute!! what's your discord?? <3 

    2. Mannamannaa


      It was great getting in touch with you and I am looking forward to the Writer's League!

  21. Today is a wonderful day to be Uruk-kin! LUP'KRUG!

    1. X3N0




  22. Question!

    How many of you wonderful people would be interested in reading an Orc produced  newspaper on occasion? What might you like to see in one? Please give me more ideas I want to make this happen.

    Edited by Mannamannaa
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carson


      I would love that

    3. Mannamannaa


      I am sorry to inform you that treefaces will not be included in the newspaper outside of incredibly specific circumstances.

      And thank you Carson, happy to see some support for the idea!


      Edited by Mannamannaa
    4. Turbo_Dog


      You have my undying support on this matter.

  23. Should be logging in beginning Friday, for now I must sleep and lurk on the forums.


    Can't wait to see you all again soon, or meet you for the first time!

  24. Kor'Garr is coming back. Just thought you should know.

    1. Elite Snipes

      Elite Snipes

      Welcome back man! I play in the dwarves currently, you’re welcome to stop by

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