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Everything posted by HIGH_FIRE

  1. The Pact of the Forest and Desert ~Sovereignty~ The Kingdom of Balian and Princedom of Amaethea hereby recognize each other’s sovereignty and their right to their held lands, as well as their apparent ability to expand these lands. ~ Non-Aggression ~ The Kingdom of Balian and the Princedom of Amaethea hereby pledge to make no acts of aggression upon each other’s lands to retain a mutual peace between the two sovereign entities. ~Trade~ The Kingdom of Balian and the Princedom of Amaethea hereby pledge to share any information on darkspawn they may have, in doing this they may both finally catch them all. ~Extradition~ The Kingdom of Balian and the Princedom of Amaethea hereby pledge to extradite those who have been proven to be darkspawn or dark mages at each other’s request. In doing so they hope to cleanse further the World of the dark beings that plague it. ~Duration~ This pact between the Kingdom of Balian and the Princedom of Amaethea shall last for a duration of 10 years, and upon its expiry, it may be revisited to be reinstated or for something else entirely to be drawn up. Uell ito Maruthiran, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Acanthus Onar Daesmon Silma, High Prince of Elvendom Signed, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, John I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, Protector of the Heartlanders and Protector of The South etcetera The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller
  2. ANNOUNCEMENT of the HOUSE DARKWOOD Renduzzan Opening Festivities In the year of our Lord, 11h of Godfrey’s Triumph 28 B.A To the denizens of Almaris: House Darkwood has finished the creation of it’s new home Castel de Renduzzo, and such the Viscount and Viscountess has seen fit to declare a period of festivities in the Castel. This shall begin on Sigismund’s end, where the Chapel de San Publius will be consecrated by a priest of the church. Following this, during Owyn’s Flame, a great hunt will take place in the lands surrounding the Castel. The catches of this hunt will then be cooked as a feast takes place in the new grand hall. We hope that all can attend these festivities and find joy within them as House Darkwood ushers in a new area for their family and friends. The following are to receive personal invites: His Majesty John I, King of Balian, and the Citizenry of Balian The Right Honourable, Countess of Aquilae, Johanne Vuiller and her esteemed pedigree The Most Honourable Viscount of Salia, Peter d’Arkent and his esteemed pedigree The Most Honourable Viscount of Marsene, Viktor var Ruthern and his esteemed pedigree The Most Honourable Viscountess of Anatis, Catherine Huntshill and her esteemed pedigree The Honourable Baron of Castelorena, Lucius Galbraith and his esteemed pedigree The Honourable Baron of Malenos, Constantine Malenos and his esteemed pedigree The Honourable Baron Regent of Ciavola, Freyja Mosu and her esteemed pedigree His Majesty, Karl III, King of Haenseti-Ruska, and the Citizenry of Haenseti-Ruska His Majesty, Bakir Ireheart, King of Urguan, and the Citizenry of Urguan His Majesty, Odin Freysson, King of Norland, and the Citizenry of Norland His Highness, Acanthus Daesmon, High Prince of Amathea, and the Citizenry of Amathea The Sohaer of Haelun’or, Kaelan Aldin, and the Citizenry of Haelun’or His Highness, Constantine Novellen, Archduke of Petra, and the Citizenry of Petra His Higness, Cesar de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, and the Citizenry of Hyspia The Right Honourable Countess of Otistadt, Adele Ludovar, and her esteemed pedigree The Honourable Baron of Ostervik, Aurik Bishop, and his esteemed pedigree The Most Honourable Margrave of Rosenfort, Louis Joseph de Rosius, and his esteemed pedigree As declared by, His Excellency, the Patriarch of House Darkwood, Lord Drako Darkwood, Viscount of Renduzzo. Her Excellency, the Matriarch of House Darkwood, Lady Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Viscountess-Consort of Renduzzo,
  3. Ledicort smiles and nods at the missive, the fruition of an earlier conversation come to pass "very good to see"
  4. Duties and Expectations of Nobles 7th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 28 B.A. A Decree from the Crown Preface- Nobility is an honour, bestowed upon a family by the Crown as a response to dedication and hard work. This honour is not easily retained, and those who hold such a role within the Balianite society must work to retain it throughout their years. However since the founding of Balian, the definition of what one must do and achieve to retain such and its privileges has not been defined. It is the intention of this codex to serve as a reference for noble families to ensure that they are fulfilling the duties that are expected to complete in servitude to the Kingdom, as well as to ensure that they know what privileges that they are owed. It is important that these are clarified for not only the nobility but also those who seek to gain a noble status for themselves and their family. Responsibilities and duties- To maintain one’s nobility, their family must complete several duties that display their fealty to the Kingdom and its people. The Crown and its Chambers will keep a close eye on all peerages to ensure they are performing up to what would be expected. The following are the duties expected by the Crown of its ennobled citizens. - A noble family must maintain two members of the family within the government, be it in the Chambers, in the Senate, as stewards, as ambassadors, in the standing army etc. - A noble family must host an event for the citizens of Balian to attend at least once every three Saint’s months, whatever form of event it may be, it must be done to ensure the denizens of Balian find joy in their day to day life outside of work. - A noble family must always be prepared to take up arms in defence of their Kingdom. Whether they be a member of the Company itself or hold the role as a reservist in the Company, it is imperative that they are prepared to defend the nation. - They must ensure that they are prepared to be called upon during times of war and strife, being able to offer weapons, men and materials to the Kingdom and Company when needed. - They must endeavour to create new jobs and positions within the Kingdom of Balian in order to ensure the prosperity of the non-ennobled people as well as their own. Privileges and Rights- In return for the leal service to the Crown and Kingdom and working as hard as one would expect, the Crown offers it’s peerages various privileges that they are entitled to. These privileges are offered to our nobility in return for their work. - The right for the peer to be referred to as their title, including their noble ranking of their titled land, such as the Baron of Atrus. In addition, family members descended of the peer may be referred to as Lord or Lady. - A right to a parcel of land, depending on the noble rank will be offered to the noble family on which they may build a Castle or Villa, of which must be approved by the Land Surveyor and Censor of Balian. This land can be denied or delayed if there isn’t the occupiable space to do so. Should it be a castle or otherwise fortified lands, a master key will be handed to the Captain of the Company so that he may ensure it may be used by the Company for defence. - The right to have their lands protected by the Company upon attack. They would need only inform the Company of attack by bird to ensure that the men rally to defend their lands. - The right to call upon a Champion when an honour duel may occur with another noble house. This champion will not shift the consequences of the duel to the Champion, but merely act as a vessel for the fight to occur. - The privilege to attend a yearly meeting between the peers of the Kingdom and the Seneschal and/or King. The peer may take a family member with them to said meeting. - The privilege to a private counsel or meeting with the Monarch or any member of the Royal Chambers that they believe they need to meet with. This is for them to ensure that they are doing the best they can in the Kingdom. - The privilege that noble families are able to take on wards, these are people whose efforts and work will be attributed to the family name, a form of adoption reserved only for the nobility of Balian in which a warded name is taken. - The privilege of up to two Company soldiers as a guard detail should it be deemed necessary. They may also live in house should the arrangements be made for such. Signed, The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, John I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, Protector of the Heartlanders and Protector of The South etcetera
  5. anime does damn good screenies
  6. Drako receives his invite with a grin on his face as he scans it “The captain is finally getting married, I’m very pleased for them blth”
  7. Francisco simply walks up to his new home, looking around it he would smile, finally the moving about with no set home was over, now he was truly home.
  8. Ledicort sighs reading the missive “someone call the medics, im afraid there are some men with mental afflictions” he speaks to one of his wards shaking his head
  9. Sir Duncan Vuiller offers a salute to the sunset, his ghostly form twitching as he hears of his comrades falling, there was only one of them truly alive now.
  10. Ledicort Vuiller sighs, the sadness being rather audible as he does. “And here I am, everybody keeps dying and I am left alone with my work and little else” he surmises, the death of his brother in law, merely another hit to his mentality.
  11. Drako Darkwood reads the missive and pens the date into his calendar “Lets hope it works out this time” he chuckled
  12. “Hosh mi will blah with da zkaher” Sigurd summises reading the missive
  13. Lord Seneschal Ledicort Vuiller would read over the treaty in his office nodding, having decided to not partake in the events due to illness. “I sense Aaun will not that kindly to this at all, so be it”
  14. Announcement of a New Magister 7th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 28 B.A. A Decree from the Crown To the citizens of The Kingdom of Balian With the Magister position left unfulfilled due to my new office, it was taken upon the Seneschal to find a new Magister for the Royal Chambers. It was with several interviews that the person who best fit the job was Cesar Alejandro Peter Komnenos. As such he will now be taken the role of Magister upon as a job. Signed, The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller
  15. Drako Darkwood makes a note to meet the young Rhodon upon his return to Balian
  16. Balianite Theatre As Balian expands it is my desire to make a new form of playwriting for the people of Balian to partake in to be known. This of course will be known as Balian Theatre. This new form of playwriting will be unique to Balian and be formed very specifically to fulfil the two different types of play, comedic and tragic. These both have different specifications. The Theatre The four parts of the Balian Ampitheatre are as follows: - The Theatra. The place where people are seated to watch the play being hosted. - The Okestra. The stage where the actors and choros perform the play for those to watch - The Scene. The background created to set the scene of what the play depicts where the play is supposed to be set. - The Paradons. The entryways and exits of the Okestra, for the actors to make entrances. The one to the left of the Okestra is known as the Entron, of which the actors use to get onto the Okestra and the one on the right of the Okestra is known as the Exadon, where the actors leave the Okestra. The General Aspects of the Plays There are various aspects of the Balianite play that make it unique to Balian. Firstly, the actors wear a mask made of clay, made to depict both their character in general and most importantly the primary emotion of that character throughout the entire play. For example, the mask of a man who is supposed to be distraught would feature an exaggerated frown on his face. In addition, there would be only three actors in the entire play, all of which will take on any of the roles in the play, of which there will only be up to six in total, three or four of them being prominent roles. This is to ensure that the viewers of the play do not get distracted from the messages of the play and the main story of the play. Furthermore, a very unique feature is the Chorus, a group of three who all bear a group identity, for example, the Balianite senators or Soldiers of the Kingdom of Oren. Together they partake in song addressing the actions the characters have portrayed and giving their opinions on the matter, in an attempt to ensure the viewers feel the same as they do. Finally, the plays in general all have an aspect of politicism in them. Often using underlying themes, the plays will relate to the political issues of the current state of the world. While in all plays this is the case, Comedic plays tend to shift their weight to this, whereas Tragic plays are more subtle. The Tragic Theatre The Tragic theatre is an art form that draws on the most awful and saddening emotions and actions that one could imagine. Predominantly focused on a more historical and realistic setting with more realistic consequences and issues befalling the main characters. It consists of three different parts, first the introduction, the development and the climax and fallout. The introduction- The scene is set, characters are introduced to the audience and then the problem affecting them will either begin or be introduced. Following this the chorus will begin to weigh in with their opinions on the matters from the beginning, offering a summation of what is occurring as well. The development- The play develops further, arguments are made as everyone formulates a plan on how to deal with the evil affecting them, however a fatal flaw of the main character is made aware, and with that foreshadowing is formed. Once more the chorus appears and summises what has occurred and then give their opinion. The climax and fallout- The protagonists come face to face with what has been causing them their troubles, in the shape of an antagonist or something metaphorical. Their attempts to stop it will fail and some may die or suffer life changing injuries. The chorus then appears for the last time and explains the entire play’s story before the remaining protagonists appear and the fallout is shown as it all draws to an end. There are several nuances of the tragic play, first and foremost they more often take place in a place that the audience is supposed to dislike, however this is not necessary. In addition, the protagonist of the play is not necessarily someone the audience to is supposed to like, merely the main character who will be the object of the problem and downfall that is witnessed. Finally, The Comedic Theatre Set in a more fantastical world, often involving magic and mythological ideas, the comedic play introduces more foolish and crude elements into its writing, causing it to be a more entertaining performance for the masses. It often develops from a more inane conflict and journey. It also consists of three parts, the introduction, the debate and parabason, and the resolution. The introduction- The scene is set, the main characters introduced and a debate piece is set. This debate will likely be metaphorical in nature, using people or objects as representations of abstract concepts, such as duty and righteousness. Then, as with tragic plays the chorus shall appear and offer their opinions on the matter and summarise the events thus far. The debate and parabason- The debate begins, one character on each side debating their opinions as the protagonist mediates the debate, offering agreements to one side or the other for each debate point. After the debate and before the resolution, the chorus, led by one member will begin the parabason, in which the metaphorical debate is put into a literal sense, of which comments on an aspect on the politics of Almaris. The resolution- The protagonist of the events will surmise the debates made and then credits each strong argument made by each side, however they will then offer who they believe won the argument, ensuring that all know exactly why. The comedic theatre of Balian has its own nuances, firstly that the debate taking place within the play must have a clear victor towards the end, to ensure that the point is adequately gotten across. The costumes of the actors are often very comedic in nature, appearing to be funny to the majority of people with their clothing being abnormal and eccentric. Signed, The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller
  17. The Seneschal of Balian nods as he reads the missive, ensuring he makes his way to the meeting to back up his king's decisions and ideas.
  18. Announcement of a New Legate 7th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 27 B.A. A Decree from the Crown To the citizens of The Kingdom of Balian With the Legate position left unfulfilled due to a recent parting of ways, it was taken upon the Seneschal to find a new Legate for the Royal Chambers. It was with little searching that the person who best fit the job was Persephone Maxima Novellen. As such she will now be taken the role of Legate upon as a job. Signed, The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller
  19. The Search for a New Magister 7th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 27 B.A. A Decree from the Crown To the citizens of The Kingdom of Balian Upon taking the new role of Seneschal in Balian, I am to relinquish the title of Magister. It is to those of you who hold expertise in the Judicial system and offer a sense of neutrality in such important decisions that I ask for you to apply to become the new Magister for The Kingdom. Requirements. Those who may wish to apply must send a letter to the Seneschal including information of your person and experience. It is also important to note that the Censor must accommodate the following criteria, Be at least eighteen summers old. Have a permanent address in Balian. Have previous work with legal matters. Signed, The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller
  20. Vuiller Edict of Reform 7th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 27 B.A. A Decree from the Seneschal INTRODUCTION: As I take up the mantle of Seneschal from my father I see to it that The Kingdom of Balian develops into a state that we can all be proud of, starting with the following executive edicts. On Noble Peerage: For a long time in Balian, Nobility has not been adequately defined in terms of what they can do, what is expected of them and what is offered to them as privileges. With the passing of this edict I hereby commission the creation of a public documentation that will explain these matters in full within the next two Saints Years. On Tax Exemptions: Some buildings in Atrus bear the tax exempt status due to donations made by their owners early on in Balian’s founding. However it is with the edict that I will be declaring the removal of these tax exemptions and any and all people bearing such a status on their house will begin to pay taxes with the start of the year 28 B.A. On the Executive and Legislative The legislative body of Balian, The Senate, shall henceforth be removed from interfering with any business of the executive in an entirely official capacity. The King, however, retains the role of assenting Senate Bills, and may share it with his Chambers should he so please. On the Legal Code The current legal code of Balian was written within a singular Saint’s day and was fit for the purpose it fulfilled. However, now comes the time for it to be updated, the revised legal code written by Cesar Alejandro Peter Komnenos will be henceforth used as the Legal Code of Balian. On Fortifications All fortified lands in Balian are to require a master key that will be given directly to the Captain of the Company of Balian, for him to access the fortifications, should it ever be considered necessary in times of war or strife. On The Purity of Peerage The ennobled peers of Balian are to undergo tests to ensure their purity, and that they are not any form of darkspawn. Should they neglect to do this then they will be detained until such testing is done. This is to ensure that Balian is of the utmost holiness. Signed, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, John I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, Protector of the Heartlanders and Protector of the South, etcetera. The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller
  21. Ledicort Vuiller would read his letter, however would drop it within seconds of realising what it was meaning. Something would overcome him, an emotion he had only truly felt thrice before with his siblings, complete grief and anguish. No words would come from the man, only tears and wails as he attempts to deal with the pain he felt
  22. The Festival of Friendship A young mali’thill hands you an envelope with silver lettering, upon opening it, it would read… "You are invited to partake in the Silver Ball to celebrate the newly forged alliance between The Kingdom of Balian and The Silver State of Haelun’or, with festivities taking place within both nations.” [!] Within each respective cities notice boards would be notes, pinned up to celebrate the alliance! There shall be drinking, dancing, eating and celebrations to honor the newly forged alliance between these nations. The city shall be open for all who wish to attend but any violent acts from individuals seeking to do harm is to be considered intolerable and will be handled by the guards present. The Silver State of Haelun’or and The Kingdom of Balian sincerely hope that as many as possible will attend this event and partake in these celebrations. Itinerary - 15/10/2022 10pm GMT - 5pm EST - Feast 11pm GMT - 6pm EST - Ball
  23. Drako Darkwood reads over the Young Bishops work “An interesting and workable proposal, I like it”
  24. THE CRIMSON SILVER PACT 9th Lothar’s Gift 25 B.A I- On Sovereignty The Kingdom of Balian and Haelun’or hereby recognise each other’s claims to sovereignty and their right to the lands they claim as their own, ruled by their respected leaders. They also recognise their ability to claim land that is not part of their recognised government. II- On Defense The Kingdom of Balian and Haelun’or hereby pledge to defend each other from any foreign invaders they may have. III- On the Darkspawn Threat The Kingdom of Balian and Haelun’or hereby pledge to fight together against any Darkspawn threats they may incur. IV- On Offense Haelun’or hereby pledges to take up arms against any foreign nation The Kingdom of Balian decides to, however The Kingdom of Balian is not expected to reciprocate such. V- On Free Movement The Kingdom of Balian and Haelun’or hereby pledge that the citizens of both states are allowed complete free movement between their lands. However any military matters conducted on each other’s land must require written consent to do so. VI- On The Protector of the South Haelun’or hereby pledges to recognise The Kingdom of Balian as The Protector of the South due to its efforts within the South Continent. VII- On Public Works Haelun’or pledges their Chief Architect to aid in the designing and building of the expansion that Atrus is undergoing. VIII- On Scholarly Efforts The Kingdom of Balian and Haelun’or hereby pledge to meet upon an agreed upon date to exchange scholarly knowledge and books, so that both can prosper in the pursuit of knowledge. IX- On Celebration To celebrate the new found friendship there will be festivities in the City of Atrus for both states to partake in, funded by both of them and planned together. X- On Duration This pact will last twelve years, once this is over, both signatories may review and extend this pact should they both desire to. Signed, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, John I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, Protector of the Heartlanders and Protector of the South, etcetera. The Magister of Balian, His Excellency Ledicort Vuiller Kaelan Maeyr’onn, Okarir’tir of the Silver State of Haelun’or Seth Calith, Maheral of the Silver State of Haelun’or
  25. Mi ahm Waghgoth nuw Ug tu da bruddas uv Krug, Mi ahm Sigurd’Raguk, lats may gruk mi as da Spirit blayd offisah uv da Krughai ur as ah Wagh Shomo ur leedin ah clan uv pinkehs whu led klompins ihn Orehn ahg burnt duwn Ebonwood. Iht is ohn dis day dat mi ahm stayking mi claym tu be Waghgoth uv Raguk frum nuw uhn. Ihf anee Raguk nub lyke iht dey cahn klomp mi ihn da pit. Ihf noazh klomps mi den mi ahm nuw ihn charge uv Raguk. Sigurd’Raguk
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