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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Hiebe

  1. Why is it that when I do soemthing on the forums people tend to follow, IE my feedback thread and now AMAs. >.

  2. Why so strict FMs?

    1. Cloakedsphere


      what are they strict on. wat post?

    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      because you're not around to keep them inline :(

    3. Raptorious
  3. Why the hell did they remove the VIP perk of always being able to log on

    1. youlovesocks


      I'm wondering the same thing! D:

  4. Will give my choice to this situation later today after work.

  5. will the build server come back on?

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      So THAT'S why I couldn't open the DynMap.

    2. Hiebe


      why you have the dyna map?

  6. Willie. Please come back.

  7. Without skills I feel that people online log on for buddy rp and faction rp. WE NEED SKILLS PLOX

    1. excited


      Somewhat true, but, I build up my rp skills using the time I play.

  8. Wonder if Ill be unbanned tomm.

  9. Working on a hopefully good event for the server

    1. LaCabra (Soda)
    2. LaCabra (Soda)
    3. Hiebe


      Gunna take Voxel, a server to work on, and people to dedicate themselves to some RP but overall should be an awesome thing to add :P


  11. yaaaaaa love having to deal with this :)

    1. Telanir


      Lol, good luck. :)

  12. yeah that server was where me rp started and lol well hope your an come back and see or drop in time to time ;)

  13. yep ive been wanting too for months now

  14. Hiebe

    yes you can ;) you might want to wait tilll the weekend when i have my coronation and ill have my updated skinn

  15. Yes.. I know

  16. Yo dog I heard you like to play minecraft, so we removed the mining part so all you can do is craft

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. meg


      Not really how the meme works, but funny eitherway.

    3. Hiebe
    4. blindmind


      Take out Xzibit, throw down an EA logo, and bam.

  17. You allowed someone to abuse your powers and have ruined the FM credibility forever. I will never look at you and think your staff.

  18. Hiebe

    you cant leave...

  19. You got two legs, get up and use them. Keep moving forward no matter what. There words really help when the girls youve been dating for two years does a 180 on you and doesnt work to fix simple problems.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cloakedsphere


      mang we go hit up redlight districts yo. just me n you.

    3. Hiebe


      haha sounds good, meet my first lotc person rl.

    4. Moot


      Hiebe, I'm goign through the same **** right now... I feel that.

  20. you need a senior member to support your app... no one has yet

  21. Zip Zezimus, human lover

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