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Status Replies posted by 501warhead

  1. in my opinion you should have only one character, two is stretching it

  2. Daily Trivia (miss me?): What was the name of the first Dwarf king?

  3. *Lore idea* Metztli isn't impressed with the Kharajyr failing to uphold her glory. She makes a new race, less smart, but more strong. Not smart enough to defy, but strong enough to work. Gnolls? Should I write it or not? Plz no plagiarism.

  4. I joined Aislin's rebellion against staff.

  5. Rhia and I actually got together in Idaho and are officially having a baby!

  6. hey guyas i hav gOT avatar like GM -1 april fools joke toxi cm ememes are bad !! ! !ahhaha ah ahha ah a

  7. Could an FM pin both of my recent topics in the Reformed Kingdom subforum?

  8. So PM me what happened with Supremacy?

  9. Are Frost Witches still a thing?

  10. Stop spending our donation money on steam games and make a development server to test this stuff out on!!! (Or buy me cs:go skins)

  11. Stop spending our donation money on steam games and make a development server to test this stuff out on!!! (Or buy me cs:go skins)

  12. *sigh* If you're a wood Elf, and you use you're soulstone, do you get trapped in the pillar next to the gate? I do, and I always die.

  13. How does one obtain leather, when there are no animals anywhere? Even in the wilderness.

  14. *sigh* If you're a wood Elf, and you use you're soulstone, do you get trapped in the pillar next to the gate? I do, and I always die.

  15. *sigh* If you're a wood Elf, and you use you're soulstone, do you get trapped in the pillar next to the gate? I do, and I always die.

  16. Daily Trivia: Who was the richest man in Anthos who died while eating gold coins?

  17. I saw that. You can't hide that from me.

  18. The use of the term 'toxic' is becoming more of a meme than the memes and meme-related behavior it's supposed to describe.

  19. tfw they remove your meme

  20. Aegis Trivia of the Day; what were the first two dragonkin to hatch from two eggs in the conclusion of a Halloween event in late Aegis?

  21. Daily Trivia Part 2: What differences were there between the two types of Harbingers and what was their defining trait that broke them into two groupings?

  22. Daily Trivia Part 2: What differences were there between the two types of Harbingers and what was their defining trait that broke them into two groupings?

  23. I am the first GM who has become a developer. I am slowly working my way within the ranks, they don't suspect a thing.

  24. I am the first GM who has become a developer. I am slowly working my way within the ranks, they don't suspect a thing.

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