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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by 501warhead

  1. Shot down at the first hurdle THANKS WHY

  2. Not to sound stupid or anything but what's the LotC TS3 server IP? I know, I've played on the server since '11 and haven't used TS ever.

  3. i cant enter the mines please HELP

  4. http://i.imgur.com/vhsm1IT.png if u wanna find the remnants of the white rose!!
  5. The point of my thread was missed, it was not about how saying that word is okay, it was about how to cull people saying that word. A autocensor on undesired words would be much more effective than a ban.

  6. What is the IP?

  7. Someone explain to me why fast travel is no longer a thing.

  8. (TOO MUCH MATH) The first time you vote for all 5 You'll get 150, For every site you vote at after your first Five votes you get 50 minas, totaling up to (for those of you that maintain voting(Thank you by the way!)) 250 minas per day with an added chance of bonus items.

  9. Such an interesting event tonight, thanks for all the fun ET and GMs. Its a shame I couldn't stay till the end.

  10. why don't you add a word filter instead of autokicking/banning ppl 4 swears

  11. I only have one soulstone slot. Is that normal?

  12. Bloody Hell again? Ban Hammer?

  13. Why was that magic plugin feedback thread deleted after it was locked? There were valid points in that thread.

  14. whoever banned me can you pls msg me why?

  15. Do something about this continuous server lag, holy ****. Where are the donations going towards, steam games?

  16. The one nice thing about having people metagame your persona card, is that you can just call pvp default, get it over with, and move on with your day ignoring their attempts at ruining your experience.

  17. always outgunned, never outnumbered

  18. Does anyone have the in-game seasons to real time statistics? I'm not sure if the wiki is accurate or not. http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/Time+and+Calendars

  19. Nexus is legitimately a home run. There are glitches, but the way it works is wondrous.

  20. Now to stay underground for weeks instead of rping so I can get that sweet sweet blacksmithing exp.

  21. Well, Cruz killed somebody and is gone forever. Farewell my Italian friend.

  22. Where has Empress Ari gone?

  23. Something Something 4.0

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