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Status Replies posted by 501warhead

  1. I'm not one for mobile games but, gosh darn, Fallout Shelter is the ideal F2P game. It's not P2W unlike a lot of other F2P games out there.

  2. "i have every single gm added on snapchat" man5791 confirmed blue tag fever

  3. So. The Magic Plugin.

  4. So. The Magic Plugin.

  5. name the guy who said "Silly mortals."

  6. name the guy who said "Silly mortals."

  7. .. Is it only me that still has to go to school? ;-;

  8. I have spent the last 11 hours crafting studded armour... kill me... please.... please...

  9. Minecraft should have a feature that shows you if another person is typing a message.

  10. A pipe burst outside my house. Looks like I'm heading back to Anthos.

  11. Hmm...trying to find some nice mods for Vanilla, any suggestions?

  12. I wish half of Athera was consumed by a flood and everyone had to RP closely together for the first time in like 6 months

  13. When you look at the Elven Genealogy thread and wander how elves could have more than one child. Shout out to those who adopt, you the real MVPs.

  14. dota is trash

  15. 365 more days to go. Then, and only then, may I be able to waste my life in alcohol.

  16. 365 more days to go. Then, and only then, may I be able to waste my life in alcohol.

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