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Status Updates posted by Thatpyrodude

  1. Pretty Terrible week for sports UFC 169 is one of the worst cards in the history with a terrible early stopage, only thing it had going for it was Abel's great KO. SuperBowl is one of the wrost in recent history. Damn

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sneaky
    3. cruzazul
    4. Helbolt


      I thought the commercials were pretty good, but then again, I can drink :)

  2. Random LoTC Question: Who is the richest person in thie histroy of LoTC?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. PtahWithin


      thats gronkkistotle to you

    3. steelersfan1221


      money money cash dollas money dolla cash

    4. Ever


      probably syrio?

  3. Random LOTC trivia question: Who created the Dark Brotherhood?

    1. Garukumus


      That ex-fm guy that was a villain and stuff.

  4. Random LOTC trivia question: Who created the Dark Brotherhood?

  5. Random LOTC trivia question: Who created the Dark Brotherhood?

  6. Random LoTC Trivia: How did Alstion and Snowy Fields fall?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aislin


      And undead stormsnow

    3. Acornlad


      Undead snowstorm.

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      From previous guesses I'm going to say...A stampede of rainbow chinchillas.

  7. Random LotC Trivia: What two races fought in the first war of Aegis, and who was the victor?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Orks!!! and Dwarfzzzz!

      Orkzzz! win!

    3. Hiebe


      Dwarves won actually cause the orcs couldnt take the midget menace

    4. Thatpyrodude


      HIebe is correct

  8. Random LoTC Trivia: Who was the first human Druid?

  9. Random Trivia Questiom: Who were the first three Player controled Kings of Oren

  10. Screw easter, 4/20 Blaze it

    1. Lawrna


      420 praise it, you mean

    2. Imperial Legion Soldier

      Imperial Legion Soldier

      Blaze Hitler's birthday...?

  11. Seriously why are silly statuses being deleated?

    1. Nug


      they must be deleated

  12. SO CLOSE SO CLOSE SO CLOSE 20 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  13. So Dewp won creative Caffee, right?

  14. So the colts passed up on Kony Ealy...

    1. Rassidic


      ...Kony2014 , anyone?

  15. So, in less than 24 hours USA will smash the Fins to get Bronze.

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