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Everything posted by Thatpyrodude

  1. Pretty Terrible week for sports UFC 169 is one of the worst cards in the history with a terrible early stopage, only thing it had going for it was Abel's great KO. SuperBowl is one of the wrost in recent history. Damn

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sneaky
    3. cruzazul
    4. Helbolt


      I thought the commercials were pretty good, but then again, I can drink :)

  2. College Football > Pro Football

  3. Herb is a great Ref and all, but what a terrible stopage. Faber was inteligently defending himself and gave a thumbs up. No way that fight should of been stoped.

  4. LoTC: Who founed Alstion?

  5. Is the Abresi SS not working for anyone else?

  6. Just Saw Fruitville Station, must see movie.

  7. Faculty Application: Name: Banok Gray Race: Human Gender: Male Age: Old Subject you wish to teach: Diplomacy and/or Business building Years of experience in that field of study: In the art of Diplomacy I was the Ambassador of the Merchant Nation of Alras and Oren. I spent multiple years combined serving both of these great nations. In the Art of Business building it is rather similar to Economics, except it just focuses on the art of business building. I ran a company in Aegis called Banok's Arms and Armor which netted me around 50 thousand minas. I also ran a successful business called Gray-Elf Homes. Reason you wish to teach at our College: I wish to pass on my knowledge to the younger generation of people. My time on this world is growing less and less every day that passes. I wish to help the children of Anthos learn how to be an ambassador and how to start a great business. I also wish to work for free. Faculty is paid 30 minas every three elven days. ((OOC)) Username: thatpyrodude Skype Name: thatpyrodude
  8. Just going to throw this out there everyone, Refs gave the Pats the game

    1. Tadmonster


      Until the Broncos kicked serious ass...1 punt, 0 int, 0 sacks, 400 yards passing, 2 td passes (not amazing but good)

  9. Brace for the Cyber ban appeals

    1. Rhia


      Welcome to my hell. >.< I'll have to do soooo many!

    2. SparehoeCakes
  10. My Playoff picks - Colts defeat Patriots, San Diego routs Denver, Carolina edges out San Fran, NO pulls off the upset in Seattle, Colts Edge out the Chargers, Carolina dominates NO, Andrew luck leads Colts back from major deficit to win the super bowl

  11. Grats to Jameis Winston, but Auburn played a hell of a game and shut the critics up.

    1. Cosmik



  12. War Eagle, War Eagle, War Damn Eagle.

  13. Honestly a week in jail in IRL time seems quite outrageous to me.
  14. Happy New Years everyone

  15. Prayers go out to Anderson Silva, get well soon,

    1. MonkeyCoffee
    2. Thatpyrodude


      UFC Fighter


      Click on the link at your own will, it's not very pretty looking

    3. Pinsir99
  16. Get well soon Silva.

    1. Lefty


      I'm baffled at how he managed to break his own leg...

  17. Wooh, back into skype

  18. Locked out of Skype atm, trying to fix it.

  19. Tell me it's true, are you back?

  20. Please fire Jeff Triplette, back to back weeks he's changed the outcome of games

  21. LoTC trivia question: Who was the first queen of Oren and how did she die?

  22. Who else thinks Jeff Triplette should be demoted after that terrible reffing?

  23. Auburn vs. FSU anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cruzazul


      Nah it'll be Auburn/ FSU vs. Bama. All of BSC circlejerks over them

    3. cruzazul


      Also FSU hasn't lost yet so they will probably get the bid over Auburn

    4. Thatpyrodude


      What, it's going to be FSU vs. Auburn, how do you see it going differently? No way Bama gets in over Auburn, I along with half the nation would quit watching College football

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