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Everything posted by Thatpyrodude

  1. m-muh immersion!

  2. Will there be an actual list of what we can

    1. argonian


      Punctuation kills statuses

    2. Harri


      Last year it was anything that won't give you an inherent advantage at the start of the map: Weapons and Armour, crafting regents, tomes, recipes, enchanting books.

  3. I wish I got all the hot takes like Drfate

  4. Bradshaw GrAy Grumbles about his name being spelt wrong
  5. crazy, crazy, crazy.

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      All of this over a locked kitchen door smh

  6. *Posers are placed around the land* BUILDER WANTED: If you are a high quality builder who has experience with big projects leave a note below this poster or send a bird to Bradshaw for more information
  7. Bradshaw shakes his head at the insane price, before writing a bid "I'll give ya 20 mina for it -Bradshaw"
  8. A note is left "I'd be willing to buy one for a reduced price. -Bradshaw"
  9. A note is written below "Would you do a discount if bought in bulk? -Bradshaw"
  10. 6/10 dont know you, but you got a cool gif
  11. trolling is good for the soul

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Booklight12


      Preach it Pyro. Trolling is guud.

    3. Parading



    4. shiftnative


      Taking it far is a fine line, best believe ill be there to tell you.

  12. how is ***** a bad word

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. argonian


      autcraft does not acept bd words!1

    3. Sky


      It's not, lol

    4. argonian


      mr sky if it wasnt a bad word then y is it censored?!!!1

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