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Status Updates posted by PtahWithin

  1. Downvoting removed? Then let them eat +1's!

  2. The timing of frestorms of drama on LOTC is so periodic and regular that I could set my watch to it.

    1. Raptorious


      Still better than tv.

  3. Teutons! Bring down the corpse emperor! Become Chaos Space Marines!

  4. I laughed myself ****less at your oxford comma.

    1. Amicus Adrianne

      Amicus Adrianne

      Hey well, I hear they're not educating people with the Oxford Comma anymore. Just wanted to point out that's what I learned. In 2nd grade when my teacher said, "You can have 'eggs, cheese and ham' OR 'eggs, cheese, and ham'" I was like "Pshh, I want that second one. I'd rather have eggs...cheese...and ham rather than eggs...CHEESEANDHAM!!!!!!"

  5. Where can I get a download of MPM 1.4.6? Or does 1.4.7 work on 1.4.6?

  6. LOTC: And so, we shall go to war.

    1. Mr_Boomer337


      take a look at Rasmot the mad xD

  7. And so on this day I graduate, the 2nd anniversary of the server.

  8. fight the pugsy, unban system

    1. Mucky


      the pugsy fight, system unban

    1. Elindor


      Sorry I haven't had the time to be useful and meet you. Aside from RL busyness, suddenly Elindor has become likewise busy.

    1. Moot


      This adds a new perspective to the world for me. I'd like to see more thing s like this, to really flesh out the world of Anthos.

  9. For the people on TS: Don't click any tinyurl links.

    1. Shorsand


      I wanted to do something like this, but with less elf.

  10. All which is great must always go

    1. Tethras


      Eventually, yes.

    1. Nug


      i agree but all that i wanna do because of that post is make a magey base for nug because blundermore has one, why? 'cause why not.

  11. There should be a magical serverwide tournament

    1. excited


      That'd be interesting.

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