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Robin Drake

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Status Updates posted by Robin Drake

  1. Dear Robin, keep up the great work. Love, Robin's Beard

    1. Urahra


      When did your beard develop sentience?

      Or...have I just never noticed it before? *scare chord*

    2. SparehoeCakes


      I would give your beard a high five, for being right , but....... *walks away*

  2. Denmark 1-0 Netherlands.

  3. derpfest returns tonight on TS at 11pm GMT. Be prepared!

  4. Derpfest tomorrow AWWWW YEEEAAA~

  5. Derpfest tonight people! have a look out on teamspeak for it! Remember bring your own drink!

    1. Archmage_Cataris


      I wasn't told about this :(

    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Sorry bro. It was on teamspeak.:/ Well this weekend it may happen again.

  6. Derpfest, all day erry day.

  7. Did thou soothsayers not tell of unfavourable omens today? For tis FRIDAY the 13th!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Religious_Pie


      More people die from Toilet accidents, than shark attacks, every year.

    3. --peerless42


      Damnit Robin, I am driving from Illinois to Washington State later! ;-;

    4. Cappy


      Just waiting for the blood moon to rise...

  8. Don't worry I am not that happy to be from the country at all. The sooner I move abroad the better.

  9. enroute to NYC for new years. stoping off in Washington within the hour. any other lotcers gonna be in NYC this week?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      We will soon be breaking away from you. Muhahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahah!

    3. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Will Forestine lives in NY.

      AkA HarrisonBitzis.

    4. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Theres plenty as far as I know :P

  10. errrr... I think I hold the lotc record for mone spent on himself in hooters at $100. $10 on food,$67 on alcohol and $23 on the tip

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Abaddon


      $45. I bought 1 beer. $7. I'm not too proud of what happened to the rest of my money

    3. Wavejammers


      67 dollars on alcohol, bad viking.

    4. Wavejammers


      67 dollars on alcohol, bad viking.

  11. Estimated time for me to get my visa as written on information sheet: up to 3 months.... Estimated time for me to get my visa when asking immigration officer: 3-5 days... :

    1. Lym


      American Immigration Control:


      It's always the same <__<

    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Just claim you're from Boston, like all the people there say, they are Irish. Should make it easier.

  12. Europeans, are your bodies ready? The Beards are going to be doing their European tour over the course of the next 5 weeks or so. Edinburgh represent.

    1. Fredfort (jens6851)
    2. Desires


      Never be ready for the Beards.

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      "he rubs his bristles on your mammary glands" that is but a taste of the great lyrics at work. How can ones body not be ready flr that?

  13. Feels very Ill. :/

    1. everblue2er101



    2. TRAY


      *gentle rubs Robins hair

      "Get well soon my friend"

    3. Cappy


      I can see your beard from this side of the internet. I am stroking it.

  14. Finally graduated Uni and got my BSc Honours in Digital Media Global. Happy days!

  15. Finally have some beer after many weeks of my alcohol drought. Got a few chilling in my minifridge for later on tonight

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      It seems I am but a humble peasant

    3. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Don't worry. I'm drunk right now... teeheehee...

  16. finished speeches, now just awaiting my soup and main coirse to come. i am rather hungry... *noms arm*

  17. FINISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHEDDD after 30 + hours straight working on my Uni coursework I am done!"

    1. Urahra


      Good job, Robin-chan!

    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Thanks uwawa :3

    3. gabriel101x1


      Meanwhile my schoolwork is pilling up fast...

  18. First memes of march. Tis a good feeling.

    1. NekoDanie


      I approve them all.

    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      I don't always make memes,

      But when I do they are approved by NekoDanie.

    3. JordMafia



  19. first starbucks of 2012. needed after an allnighter of amusing conversations with mes amis. :3

  20. Football on today, it makes everything better, and what it doesn't the alcohol will.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lugarthecougar


      I saw football and was like "Football? That hasn't sta.. Oh he means Soccer."

    3. mrgeriki


      Yea Germany for the win :)

    4. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Spain will win *is wearing a spain top atm*

  21. Football starts in 7 mins. Better get changed into my less than lean LFC top and pour myself some Volvo+Irn Bru. Come on you reds!

    1. Seventh / Ryan

      Seventh / Ryan

      ^^ Harhar, round 3.

  22. Football to watch today, booze to drink today, This will be interesting. COME ON YOU REDS!

    1. SparehoeCakes
    2. Coconuta


      Heh easy game :3, if stoke wins now ima go mental .-.

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      glad they didn't, I would of sword at danie if they did lol

  23. Garen is pro

    1. Neri


      Unlike his Summoner, then!

    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      You jelly of my epic manly skills

  24. generic update concerning hand-egg cup final.

    1. gam


      angry comment about the outcome of the egg-cup final.

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