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Status Updates posted by Bawg

  1. Looking for People to become orcs to join my clan! I need a army to gain our honor back!

    1. Areon


      PM me on ts3 or forums ts3 name is Malice.

    2. Areon


      PM me on ts3 or forums ts3 name is Malice.

    3. Skippy


      Bog is banned from Teamspeak :/

  2. LoTC you are getting boring. Do more events or bring the undead back. You are doing a shitty job at the moment.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser


      so Lotc is doing shitty? Whats that about us being shitty again? I'm sorry I cannot hear you from the crap you are spewing from your face hole....

    3. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      You gonna complain... GTFO.

    4. Swgrclan


      Though his opinion could have been said in a lighter way, I expect the responses not to be insults.

      I've seen LoTC get a bit grey in some places as well, that's why I'm expanding my role-play. It's not a bad idea.

  3. Maybe later tonight you will be on? An we can "play" together. Haha :P

  4. Maybe this weekend, we can have some fun. Hope to see you there.

  5. My body tingles whenever I get a message on the forums.

  6. My father came back today! Hooray! Everyone do "/msg a4moondoggy

    1. cometking123


      Break out the bubbly!

      They're back!

  7. My warn status has been 10% for a long time...

    1. Cappy


      If you think you've had it for long enough and have learnt from your mistakes, PM the FM who gave you a warning...

  8. Never would have thought some Elves are just as stuck up as their characters.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      Perhaps they're stuck in rp mode! lol

    3. Dante
    4. Cloakedsphere


      Maybe its because other races OOC'ly make fun of them? Hmm. That must be it. Since it does happen, ya know?

  9. Not too many people enjoy powergamey Bog.

  10. Now I have to win you back from your new husband. Don't know what to do to win you back. Hopefully, it is good enough.

  11. Nub! Nut ut ull!

  12. Nut da Shuvel!

  13. Oh! You are too much! xD

  14. Only i could be first! Mwhahahahahh!

  15. Petri Followers! Unite!

  16. Please tell me in exact detail why Hawk doesn't want to give us a Modpack. It is not like a I care if we have one or not. Hawk is my buddy. I would really like to know. Tell me exactly why me saying the server needs to have more events is why Hawk left! Is it because I added "Shitty" is why you insult me?... I will be waiting for a response.

  17. Probably got a lot of people angry at me, once they read what I posted.

  18. Quitting for a week. Testing my friends.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jutra


      aww who's coco bean sack will I travel in while you are gone?

    3. Jarkarll


      * checks his watch.

      I give it an hour.

    4. Numrini'th Miiystra

      Numrini'th Miiystra


  19. R.I.P Adam "Badass" Higgs. A real orc.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Praetor


      He passed away from Cancer a day ago.

    3. Tom_Whiteman


      God be with him... :(

    4. Telanir


      Rest in peace Higgsyy.

  20. Remove the text from Caps Lock, and add a next text that says "Billy Mays".

  21. Rest In Peace, friend. We will meet again.

  22. Restart the server for the love of God! Please! I beg of you LoTC!

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