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Everything posted by Jarkarll

  1. A lot of people are coming back, but... that is probably the most unexpected return to LoTC i've ever witnessed.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Shadow, no one cares about you, fanning attention in your direction is shirk :P

    3. Rilath


      D'aww Gaius, you always know how to make me blush<3

    4. TheRealKiru


      Shadow! Get to the control room!

  2. The FM's should really petition to be granted the ability to delete statuses.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Respiren


      Tythus has been looking into it - shaping up the permissions on the forums to prevent damage and avoid the potential for misuse.

    3. Jarkarll


      Misuse is possible no matter what. With great power come great responsibility after all. I'm sure the people selected as FM are more than mature enough to handle such powers. Why not have a little more confidence? I know it's meant as a counter-measure, but statuses are where a lot of drama happens now.

    4. Dalek348


      I always said that if you distrust staff that you have chosen to do the job, then something is very wrong.

  3. You accepted me to the server a long time ago! Thank you!

  4. Matches my mood almost perfectly.
  5. Best moder fawgin end boss to a game evar.

  6. * turns on stalker mode

  7. Who wants to be stalked by me?

    1. Jarkarll


      Nevermind position filled.

    2. Goldd
    3. Samoblivion


      Please say in-game...

  8. Hey you know... im pretty sure there has not been a newsletter for September.

  9. The Llamas of Drama. Tsk tsk

    1. danic


      *stirs his coffee and sips it* Somebody really should kill that thing. .

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      It is either the pandas of peace or the pandas of purgatory

  10. The tilde's people! OMG the tildes! Make it end!

  11. The vague statuses pertaining to whatever drama is going on now really needs to stop. It doesn't make anything better, and trying to give a subtle one finger salute is only making an issue already slightly out of hand worse.

  12. Happy birthday! :3

  13. You've got to be kidding me

    1. CTap


      No. In fact I am not. I am quite serious.

    2. Shar'ku/jenspelao
  14. SimonBane! Why! He was going to help me find a new purse :P

    1. Taiga



      -Slams the table-

  15. Here is the beta key errybody! Get it while it's hot! WOTR-2487-a5af-b612-567d-6f39

    1. Cappy


      Meh, already got one.

  16. It's still here...

    1. Aryon



    2. Jarkarll


      My extra beta key to War of the roses? Yes yes it is.

  17. I have an extra War of the Roses beta key. Make your offer.

  18. First day of University, all my classes are in thr morning. Just shoot me now...

  19. Occoltus has become the same LoTC cicrle jerk that "Do you even lift" is.

    1. Jarkarll
    2. Watyll


      Except occultus is sexy.

    3. Watyll


      Except occultus is sexy.

  20. Dies in Realm of the Mad god. 2000 fame. Goes to cry in corner.

  21. 2 days of vacation left until my first class at University... time to no life this.

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Which University you going to?

    2. Austin


      hes going to harvard

    3. Bawg


      Jarkarll is fat.

  22. The Manateearchal Order shall rise!

  23. What am I supposed to do with all this cake!

    1. DrakeHaze


      You'd figure it out if you didn't make a status update every 5 minutes.

  24. I'm just going to sit here and watch this pointless quarrel and hear all thr meaningless quacks like it's The View

    1. Kaiser


      remember when this server cared about roleplay alot?

    2. craotor


      I remember there was a time where people didnt complain about everything

    3. Jarkarll


      We just need to smoke weed for an hour and not take things oocly. Taking ,what happens in rp, oocly is what is doing this. Also uracow i've been here for quote a while so, yes.

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