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Everything posted by Arkelos

  1. Scylla, the first to be turned, emerges from where it was placed, the spikes on its arms gleaming in the sun as the metal boots thudded against the corrupted earth below it. it looked up with a creak of its neck, before observing its new form. If it could laugh, it would, Immortality at long last. But for what cost? "Well then.." it hissed out in a metallic tone "Time for my work to continue on."
  2. New underwater mobs/structures, get HYPED
    1. cmack1028


      cyclops fish are scary

  3. If you remember this song from aegis, you're cool.
    1. Volutional


      An excerpt from the journal of Sage Arcadius... :'(

    2. Arkelos


      Vol you were already cool.

  4. Ah, here they are, the daily ban reports.

  5. MC Name: Arkelos Or Vardak Character Name: Phyyra Rilann I want my character to be turned into a Dread Knight (Y/N): Yep I want to become apart of your group because: I want to assist in helping the Dread Knights from acceptance, past 4.0. The plans you have interest me greatly, So I have decided to apply to help out. That and i found the Dread knights to be a more then capable group of special evil, and wanted to apply for a while. What can I bring to this group?: What I bring to the group is Roleplay and ideas to further the Dread Knights as a group and organisation. As former guild leader, I would be more then willing to fill the roles needed of me without much of a hassle from me (Unless you're vague, then I ask questions) Can you play nice, and be willing to sit down with someone and explain something politely and cooperatively if something goes wrong, or someone is confused?: Yes, of course. Time zone: EST USA
  6. Marriage is like playing cards, you start off with a Diamond and a heart, and in the end you wish you had a club and a spade.

  7. In regards to the complaints about the war http://i.imgur.com/p8DwJDA.jpg

  8. There is an appeal that is ghetting close to a month without a verdict, where the hell are the GMs?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Probably waiting on the GM who banned the guy.

    3. Arkelos


      If the GMs who banned the person has been inactive for a month, boot his ass and get another GM/Admin to do it.

    4. Sky


      Maybe there is more to the situation than you know. -Shrug

  9. Aislin finds more and more ways to farm that rep. And I'm only feeding his craving fo that Virtual point feel.

    1. Lago


      He actually eats it. Every point you give him improves his physical health.

    2. Arkelos


      Huh. Interesting.

  10. Remember when Hashtags were a thing? #IDo #StopTThisMadness #RestartWorldWar200 #GMSAgainstServer #Hashtag

    1. Robin Drake
    2. Nug


      they still are...

    3. Arkelos


      #JustBlindPeopleThings Then.

  11. Kipples, Vorstag, your Appeal is a bit derpy in WItnesses/Event Details.

  12. Anger isn't something I show for a video game. Good luck Wode.

  13. What changed in the new application?

    1. Rhia


      There is a "My View" thread on it. Mostly just little changes.

  14. Where will you be when the acid kicks in? http://i.imgur.com/HJlLljG.gif

  15. My name is Vardak, and you all just lost the game.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. comanderbly^


      go blow up the elves again -.-

    3. Desires


      Time to take out the apples again.

    4. Raptorious


      At least I'm not a g- no I dont wanna get banned.

  16. Ever since i quit LOTC, that whole other game "Real life" is easier, I just finished the "Job Hunt" quest.

  17. Guild is now deemed inactive due to my departure from LOTC - Please move.
    1. Samoblivion


      YOU STOLE MY LEAVING SONG. Now what am I going to use when I finally throw in the towel? Some people are so inconsiderate!

  18. -So Much Popcorn-

  19. -Continues to silently eat popcorn-

  20. Enjoy your fight, good luck to both sides. I'll just watch from here.

  21. 110 days.

    1. EmeraldStag


      I have now earned their trust. They still have no idea I am a bear.

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