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Everything posted by Arkelos

  1. The Scions started out as a simple secretive guild in Anthos, passing information of the scourge to the Nations in order to help them better defend themselves. The Scions stood as a Bolstering force, meant to only assist in war efforts against the Scourge under the banners of other nations. Victory after victory, defeat after defeat, the Scions waged on until the Scourge were slain by the Golden Lance. The Scions having been spread thin in the fight that ended Setherien’s life. With the Scourge gone, Naeri had immediately called for the Scions to dismantle the ranks and walk normal lives once more. However as time went on, Naeri felt the need to bring them back, as other evils had begun to show themselves. The Ikuras Cult, their intentions to summon their Daemon (or greater spirit) into the Realm, Naeri decided it was now or never to reunite her group and fight once more alongside them. To this end, the Scions had found a new purpose. Our purpose has now broadened, we shall now begin to dismantle the forces of Ikuras, while also trying to destroy the Dread Knights. Purging them out as they come about. This may seem simple, but the help of many others besides ourselves will be needed to complete this task. The Scions are not part of any Nation, therefore we do not participate in their wars, asking the Scions to help you with anything other than Ikuras or Dread Knights (And other evils!) will get you a simple No. ((Ranks in Spoilers are ranks not being used yet.)) The Head Scion is the leader and diplomat of the group, seeking nothing more than the assistance of the nations to try and oust cultists. The Leader of the Scions may call for Meetings or Training, and may remove any rank of Scion from the group. This Rank is Held by Naeri Evaglno (Arkelos) The Elder Scion is a rank given to veterans of the Third age, those who assisted in the war against Setherien. The rank they hold is Honorary, and their assistance in any guild matters is optional. This rank can not be given out, and no more may be made. The Scion of War is the Military leader of the Scions, created after the Ten Scions have managed to organise themselves in such a way that the Expansion of the guild can be done. Like its other ranks, The Scion of War can be given to one member, and is responsible for the fighters within the guild. This rank is held by Meta (Metasol) The Scholar Scion is a rank given to the leader of the researchers, the alchemists, and the enchanters. They are created after the Ten Scions have managed to organise themselves in such a way that the Expansion of the guild can be done. Like its other ranks, The Scholar Scion can be given to one member, and is responsible for the brighter minds within the guild. This rank is held by Bjorkgarr (Porkorr) Responsible for the Crafters, Builders, and workers in the guild, the Scion of Labor is a non combative sect, created after the Ten Scions have managed to organise themselves in such a way that the Expansion of the guild can be done. Like its other ranks, The Scion of Labor can be given to one member, and is responsible for the workers within the guild. This rank is held by Hyasagi Shuuhei (Wazeboombox) The most basic of ranks, The Scion is anywhere from a Crafter to Fighter, doing work for the group as commanded. Each Scion is equal amongst themselves, but the four ranks (not including Elder Scion) are above them in command. Simple! Fill out the application below, then rply a bird will be sent to my character with your information so she can approve or deny you. Otherwise, Naeri will invite anyone she deems fit by talking to them. (OOC) MC Name (Alts too): Skype (PM me if preferred): Have you been banned before?: How long have you been on the server?: Will you be active (Helping out is a must) as a Scion?: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (IC) Name? ((Name of character joining)): Race?: Age: By joining, you agree not to involve yourself in any racial war, unless approval has been given by the Head Scion, do you acknowledge this?: What Sect would you like to be a part of? (War Scholar Labor): What profession have you committed yourself to? (Plugin profession): Are you a fighter? (Its okay not to be!): Are you wanted in any Nation at this current moment?: If yes, please clarify why (Or ask for a private talk):
  2. Hail Friends of Splinter.

  3. Ohf all the things I'm happy about, I love that we can make the quartz out of stone brick. Unless I'm seeing things.

  4. Thales is much more pretty then Fringe was when we first started off.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Britfirefox
    3. Dilara(lotteje13)


      aka vanilla was prettier then voxeled landscape

    4. BrandNewKitten


      I tried ._. aka "The Fringe" was supposed to be an adventure map and not a full blown temp. that was never finished.

  5. My name is Vardak, and you all just lost the game.

    1. Wobbajack
    2. ThumperJack


      Nu, just nu. We broke the game.

  6. Rhia called everyone scrubs RUN AWAY FROM THE DEMON LADY! :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arkelos


      Its MY booty, YOU can't have it.

    3. monkeypoacher


      rhia is a scrub, she needs to 1v1 me irl

    4. Dtrik


      pvp default her





  7. Hows it goin.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptorious


      stfu susitsu dont you have some undead to be friends with

    3. Areon


      terrible bb, i need u to comfort me.

    4. susitsu


      I am friends with some undead. They're called The Paganking and Wraiths.

  8. [5:03:58 PM] B: i'm reading a bum :c

  9. Alright, since you're all good sports, heres another 4.0 pic http://imgur.com/L9wSNnM

  10. While the Elves and Druids fight over petty nuisances, it appears the Dread have been even more productive in their endeavors, Elbent and Scylla began works of the Torture Chambers on this Elven day, and much to their surprise, had finished it within the day as well. What devious intentions now brew in the Damned? "This is only the beginning of our work, Brother.. Let us continue, let the cultists rest, and bring forth any deemed worthy of joining us. This place shall prove to be their proving ground." ((Thanks to Kraal and _cnrhgrty for the build))
  11. Supremacy, wtf is with that music on your thread.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Trying to mask the Nazism of the Helfen!!!!1!!!!0n3!!!1!

    2. Arkelos



    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      The RVSE has worked!!!!1!

  12. Dedicant Daern Tyreale (TheForeverRuler) should be added And Tsunami Druid Syrila (Vardak) needs to be added to forgotten. :3
  13. My reaction when Getting to the first boss of Dark Souls 2 without dying, then killing it. http://i.imgur.com/Y5Ps3.gif

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arkelos


      ..Shush I'm proud.

    3. DecoLamb


      First encounter, broken sword no shield. Still beat him. Dem blackfire bombs.

    4. Arkelos


      Yeah, right? They pack a good punch for starting off.

  14. I finally beat Dark Souls. now for 2 on hard.

    1. Ivran


      2 is even harder, have fun. xD


    1. Blundermore



    2. Mithradites


      Someone's got to Anor Londo!

    3. Shadeleaf


      Tell Ornstein I said hi!

  16. About to play Dark Souls for the first time, Hard mode. If you don't hear from me, call for help.

  17. Jesus Deadmat

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