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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. Everyone with Bardel a depressing birthday!

  2. First day back and I have to write a 3 A4 page essay about my summer due tomorrow. I could barely do that in English, let alone Irish.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crowbill


      Just say you watched Game of Thrones and then explain the whole plot.

    3. argonian


      That's way to complicated to say in Irish sadly. I think I'm just gonna write about all the sandwiches I've made throughout the summer.

    4. ShameJax


      Explain the premium minecraft rolplaying served you wasted your summer on!

  3. For once LOA has more players online!

    1. Kim


      Congrats...? What does that have to do with LoTC c:

    2. argonian


      I'm congratulating LOA on managing to finally outpass us while our server was down.

  4. For some reason I can remember Alk'hazar a lot better than Arethor.

  5. For some reason I'm having the biggest chat-lag ever right now. No chat is appearing, even five minutes after it was sent and yet I can see people moving around without lag...

    1. Bethykinss


      Someone's haunting your minecraft!

  6. For some reason, I can't use enter to leave chat now. All I've done is update Hawk's.

    1. BannanaToYou


      Check the controls.

  7. Freya4Admin2012

  8. Garen is the most overused champion on low-levels. Probably because he moves 100000x faster than most champions.

    1. MetaSolaray


      Garen is designed to have a low skill floor, and a relatively decent skill ceiling. Thus he's used by low levels ;) Also he's one of the introduction characteres in the tutorials, people like things they can use AsAP

    2. Hiebe



  9. Geo don't spawn items for yourself. thnx

  10. gerrard should have retired* fives years ago.

    1. argonian


      hes so **** now

  11. GM bias wide and clear. When can we get rid of Combustionary?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neri


      put down the tinfoil

    3. argonian


      Oh come on Freya, you've been around long enough to know how this works.

    4. H


      The bans were unfair, but shouting about GM bias and calling for the removal of a staff member just for this won't earn you any favor with most players, nor that of the other staff who'd have to be the ones taking action to reverse the bans. Be civil, it's polite. And more effective.

  12. gms tell me why i was banned pls

    1. Mish_


      Raid Rules I believe, 2 raids per day

  13. Great, a mob jumps out of a wall, kills me, and when I come back 2 minutes later, my stuff is already gone/

  14. Great, LOTC forums force me to stop using adblock when I'm not meant to be seeing ads as a donator.

    1. bungo


      lol, donator's don't get anything anymore. i honestly wonder how the server's still running.

  15. Gronkk seeems liek a big bd ork bt hes bootiful on da insied.

  16. GUYS GUYS I GOT A JOKE. ONCE UPON A TIME A GUY PVP'D A RP DEFAULTER AND WON. It's funny cause the heretic got purged.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nobody


      man, u're annoying falkor.

    3. nobody


      ( )

      ( ) (

      ) _ )

      ( \_

      _(_\ \)__


    4. nobody


      man, u re ally didn't want to work did you..

  17. Guys stahp it's Ever's birthday not Gemmy's.

  18. Guys, don't worry about the DDOSer guy. His malware **** proved that he's lying.

  19. Guys, lots of players have been on for 8 months already. Why are you doing this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CowsGoMoo


      8- Lucky Number, dawg.

      Eight usually is attached to "wealth" when said in Chinese. So during this month, we'll get rich on minas.

    3. Aislin
    4. Spinzir
  20. Has anyone else had that moment when someone's laugh is funnier than the joke?

    1. Arkelos
    2. KarmaDelta


      Should be scream with Pigmen involved ;) *coughvardakcough

  21. Hayden's unbanned? I /seen'd him a while ago and it didn't say he was banned.

  22. hey gms pls ban for breaking real rules not "unwritten" ones that no one knew existed.

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