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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. Is it just me, or is /soulstone and /setsoul broke?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gingernut97


      I can confirm Oskar's statement to be true.

    3. TheBareSheet
    4. TheBareSheet


      I spent a great time fretting over it :P


  2. It always really bugs me in shows when the protagonist has beaten the antagonist and he's lying helpless on the ground but gets spared by the protagonist and then returns 3 episodes later

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. argonian


      And if the protagonist is getting executed, in the time it takes for the guy to chop the protagonist's head off or whatever(which'd be like a second) some ninja good guy can run half-way across the world and shoot a perfectly aimed arrow at the executioner's head.

    3. Coconuta


      Or every james bond film, ever :P

    4. Blundermore
  3. It makes sense for the Dwarves to get the next move if Oren didn't take it for weeks and Oren suddenly descends into chaos.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      Yes, but if Oren doesn't attack before that RPly happens, I mean.

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Yeah, it's definitely time for the dwarves to kick the puppy.

    4. everblue2er101


      ^ Analogy of the Day.

  4. It's a sad day when to justify their OPness, the antags say that the point of the battles is for them to win. Then when we say the point of them is to provide fun, we get laughed at. Why the hell were these people made antags if all they want is to win with OP powers?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      allll the status flaaaaaaaame~

    3. Booklight12


      I enjoy antag rp personally. What Gwonam said is true. If people just didn't say scourge die all the time and pvp them. They would be able to rp with them. infact most of the antags prefer to rp and don't enjoy fighting icly or oocly. And the reason for them is to promote rp and fun. If they attack you. And say pvp default. You are allowed to leave and or report whatever antag that does that. As that is not fun rp. People instead of posting in status updates should instead talk to the...

    4. MarioMixer


      agreed james

  5. It's good to see that every bit of feedback gets noted!

  6. It's like someone took a **** on the forums.

  7. Just there a minute ago I was thinking about the stuff I can't do IRL. Then I seriously thought for a moment, "Why don't I just get a hack?" and walked over to the computer and realised, "Wait..."

    1. Nworb Mas
    2. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      pft where's the fun in cheating if it just ruins the rewards

    3. argonian


      I don't know Pikel, fly-hacking in real life sounds awesome.

  8. kraal shouldn't even be rex. lost to sky in pvp and rp fights

    1. AlmondTree


      Moved to noted feedback.

    2. Aislin


      lost... to an admin??? hahahhahahahahhahahahhahHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

    3. TavernLich


      Hahahah hahahahahahah.... Wait. That's my boss ;c

  9. Let's all forget about the metagaming and kill some druids

  10. Liri sat on the server box :/

    1. V0idsoldier


      This is a thing still?

  11. Logging in crashes Minecraft...

  12. LOTC is still offline?

  13. LOTC Veteran Test: Who were the two leaders of Snowy Fields? Bonus question, who was the captain of the guard?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. argonian


      One of their names began with a Z and ended in -gon, and the other started with a T and ended in -non.

    3. Braxis


      Zigon? Tenon? sounds slightly familier.

    4. argonian


      Nah, Zerragon and Tarranon.

  14. Maybe the GMs should write the rules before enforcing them. GMs shouldn't be able to pull rules out of their arses and only make them real rules weeks if not months later.

    1. ToenailTickler
    2. Space


      last time we asked for this we got the 'the new standard' rules so..............

  15. Minecraft is telling me that it can't download some remote file and although it still opens, I can't play on online mode.

  16. Misha that would burn down Malinor. GG.

  17. mom get the camera

    1. mmat



  18. Most annoying crash ever...

  19. Mr Radahan, tear down this wall!

  20. Mr. GMs, am I like Fancy Fedora or Breezer under the VIP tag? If I am is there any way you can get that to show instead of VIP?

    1. everblue2er101


      You'd definitely be one of them. Try posting here

  21. My can of coke was full and then it got empty somehow.......ALIENS!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danic


      They have a secret base in the back of your mouth

    3. xmrsmoothx


      Can't explain that

    4. Benedick Irontounge

      Benedick Irontounge

      *burps* "yeh... definitely aliens!"

  22. My Minecraft is really laggy this morning.

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