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Status Updates posted by Akorta

  1. So I won the lotto last night... A whole $14!

    1. Tom_Whiteman


      Don't spend it all! You'll go broke! :P

    2. Ever
  2. Finally got my Hearthstone Beta key.

    1. The Vodka
    2. Lark


      Aaaaand computer borgs.

  3. I miss Brett.

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      We all hold a special place for him in our hearts.

    2. Orn_Eldurbeard
  4. It's 3am and ArcheAge beta better open soon >.

  5. Disliking all these restarts and crashes :(

    1. Alec


      Same here. Hopefully it's fixed soon.

  6. It getting a cold *sniffles*

    1. Lykos


      Just coming off of one myself. Lets hope the not in your nose doesn't make everything smell like s***

  7. I'm stalking forum post and peoples threads all day every day... Thinking about making a FM app to do this more efficiently >:3

  8. Angelus_Obscurus was too long, Brought the account Akorta.

  9. People taking my Isles when I'm asleep? That's just mean.

    1. Zarsies


      You confuse me sooooo much... :P

  10. It's dangerous for me to be on LOTC at the moment.

    1. Kendra


      I've had the same feeling

  11. I'm... I'm feeling pretty good.

    1. Taiga


      So am I, good sir.

  12. I'm so ready!@$

    1. Braxis


      *Braxis more ready then Akorta*

  13. Gonna listen to some Thrash, get pumped for sleeping!

    1. MuffineyGoodness


      Heh, good luck? xD.

  14. Dodoodododododo MUSIC.

  15. Yay 6,000 profile views ^_^

  16. Come back weekend *sniffles*

  17. Lord of the Crafts rules weren't made to be broken... Follow them!

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      *guiltily throws his shovel into the ravine he dug

  18. The other apprentice I work with got fired today... Payrise please :D?

    1. Maximas1211


      lol I feel sorry for the apprentice

  19. Being natually an ass makes playing a nice character torture >:I

    1. Project Epsilon

      Project Epsilon

      For me it's exactly the opposite. But, I feel your pain.

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