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Everything posted by Cooonie

  1. mid or feed pls

    1. CodyD_


      shutup i bet you feed with ziggs

    2. Cooonie



      i feed with leblanc

  2. Minecraft Name - ratemenatorz59 Character Name - Isaiah Pearce Are you an accepted student or teacher of Räine Academy? - An accepted student! c: Are you an active student or teacher in Räine Academy? - Semi-active currently. It's hard to run two busy characters at once. Please provide a link to a picture or download of your skin. - http://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/5427066849722368/Jojopanis-Steampunk If you are a teacher please state what subject you teach. - N/A If you are a mage please provide the color of your aura. - N/A
  3. decided to expose my most embarassing moments :(

  4. A fine-written letter is left at the foot of the academy, rolled up and sealed with a silver ribbon. As you take a look inside, you can see that it is adorned in gleaming red ink. ::OOC:: MC Name: Ratemenatorz59 Did you ever have a character with magic?: EDIT: I was learning contract magic from Jistuma, but then I stopped midway. Are you aware the rules of Magic: I certainly do! Skype: (You can PM this to us if you wish) I'll send you it in a PM. ::IC:: Name: Isaiah "J" Pearce Age: Twenty-five years old. Gender: Male Race: Human What would you like to learn?: Ever since I was a little chap, the arcane arts have always piqued an interest in me, especially electromancy. Ah- However, I want this type of magic for a different reason. You see, I am also quite experienced in the way of the sword, or however you may call it. In future battles, I would like to support my sword with magic so that I may have a better advantage. On a side note, though, electromancy can be used to entertain, not in sparring or battles, but as art. I would also like to learn about runes as it is rather dull to only learn one thing, and because runes are just simply great! Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: The Arcane Arts (Electromancy) & Rune Studies
  5. kendama is fun

  6. so stop shedding your tears, because i will be back soon

    1. Kitten


      Leave me out of this.

  7. ford is my hero

  8. Lol, I made a heart with the dry blood on my bedsheets. -and if you have a 4th graders brain, I don't mean it THAT way.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      You're missing half of your profile picture.

    3. Cooonie


      the face is what mattrs m0st

    4. yopplwasupxxx
  9. I'll be back LOTC.... -and when I am, get ready for extreme buttfuck

  10. Alright. I'm not always serious- I'm not meant to be serious- but please, just remove the wolves or limit a person to one or two.
  11. lelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelolelo

    1. Angel~


      -Stares at Profile Pic- I know dat..and..Idonteven..xP

  12. iampreggerswithurbaby

  13. IC: Name: Uradriethiel Elvararith What deity do you follow (If not Iblees)?: The dark lord is my idol, and forever shall he be my idol. I've no spare time to worship other deities. Anything about yourself: The master of trickery, yes. OOC: Username: Ratemenatorz59 Timezone: SMT [standard Mountain Time] Skype: omgwherestherice Will you be active?: I will be active- that is, if I don't lose interest in LoTC.

  15. I came across Kowaman's wedding while traversing the lands. http://gyazo.com/7fad1aa10e42d961371643ce4607e5e4

    1. monkeypoacher
    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Interesting relatives came, I see!

  16. and in the battle, right before it lost connection, i was like: "I grant to you- to whomever slays the beast- the right to bang any woman you like!"

    1. Kaiser


      i gun bang iblees

  17. Got kicked 5 times before I got banned in Creative Cafe. GG mods.

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