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Status Replies posted by Abeam

  1. What the **** are snow elves.

  2. Can Stannis Baratheon's actor please give Kit Harrington acting lessons?

  3. I wonder what will happen to the Fringe once 4.0 is out.

  4. rip dwarfu rip glorious imperial army

  5. The favorite sport of humans is the Spanish Inquisition.

  6. The favorite sport of humans is the Spanish Inquisition.

  7. Why is it so hard to create a character that's enjoyable?

  8. Why is it so hard to create a character that's enjoyable?

  9. Authentication stuff is working again, so ya'll can log back in.

  10. Good fight Oren, too bad it didn't last longer.

  11. i should join the imperials, i would get +1's for anything i post

  12. Wildstar Online is fun so far, just did a quest where the local Battalion Commander is secretly going to BDSM conventions at the local Chapel...

  13. whoops. Cya guys. I've been permabananad.

  14. I watched the new Game of Thrones episode... I'm just going to lie down for a minute.

  15. The fact that I have been banned for this does not improve my opinion of the human players on this server.

  16. 7 warns, thug lyfe

  17. *gets an F on Science final, grade goes up, pro*

  18. Nothing like taking old evidence to bash someone's behind inward.

  19. Anyone do 40k tabletop?

  20. Oren against the world as always, baby. :')

  21. Ladders have always been fair game. What's with the sudden change of mind? Apparently, some GMs tolerate it, while others don't.

  22. Ladders have always been fair game. What's with the sudden change of mind? Apparently, some GMs tolerate it, while others don't.

  23. The Orenian Man-at-Arms complains of Administration bias. The Urguanian Stone-Breaker does as well. Can you see the problem here, friends? The Administration is not against either side and either side only... why, they're against both!

  24. You can feel the shitstorm approaching.

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