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Status Replies posted by Abeam

  1. I've been playing Two Worlds II. It's a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be :D

  2. Aaaand the maintenance got pushed back and hour (for WoW)... I MUST TRY MY NEW ORC CHARACTER MODEL! I am the dissapoint

  3. When will rep come back?

  4. Bored as of late, anyone got new character suggestions?

  5. Im edgy and im gay, so what do you have to say?

  6. Need a character idea that isn't too off the deep end. (No Orcs, Helves. Etc)

  7. theres not enough ocean on this map. can someone make more oceans and islands plz

  8. theres not enough ocean on this map. can someone make more oceans and islands plz

  9. The more I look at these High Elven posts, the more I wander how many people are still going along with it, even the High Elves themselves. I can smell Malinor just around the corner too if this keeps happening.

  10. What does a higher breeding level do?

  11. The addition of banners in 1.8 will be amazing for roleplay @_@ Too bad we won't get it for ages :P

  12. There is so much pvp, they should bring back the Va team

  13. Valeria will now be joining Oren in their Ave Chivays and Exterminatus..

  14. someone is narrating me in rp, I must react irrationally and attack them

  15. So is that a declaration of war?

  16. Jackass. That's my new favorite word.

  17. rice master for supreme leader

  18. Praise ricemaster Kai

  19. We've temporarily brought down the server to fix a economy busting bug - sporadic is on the job, shouldn't be down long.

  20. "Vodka means water in Russian, y'know."

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