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Status Replies posted by Abeam

  1. So I'm Gold VIP, how can I get that set on my Forum account? Still says coal or whatnot.

  2. Guns arn't in fantasy except for WoW Guild Wars Fable, etc

  3. Leo told me he isn't really Asian. He is a real Elf. He has lived centuries by feeding off of the life force of Asian food.

  4. Me and some IRL friends wanna try out Dungeons and Dragons. What edition and **** should I learn?

  5. AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. the masquerade turned into a blood bath

  7. What's a good name for the first city made by a bunch of psychic albino demigods?

  8. I need someone who can help make the 4.0 tutorial area, we've got it laid out just needs filling - you must be able to see it through. PM ME!

  9. weeaboos make me laugh

  10. Meh, I still figured out out first.

  11. I'm about to head to my papaw's to send off a great German exchange student. Ya'll be real and end the war so I can post the best piece of fiction!

  12. Im scared to log in to get sick

  13. a moment of silence for our nation leaders, they get BRed for our sins.

  14. Wait, what in the world? What happened to the legit warclaim that Drakehaze put up?

  15. Wait, what in the world? What happened to the legit warclaim that Drakehaze put up?

  16. I'm starting a new game in Skyrim with new immersion mods and I can't decide what path to go. Should I go mage, warrior, or thief/assassin?

  17. With current war rules the war can't end wtf, I would of just accepted that ****

  18. Lets hope this works out nicely..

  19. School's out! Time to whip out the hair dye. :3

  20. So we can't have wars on a temp map where nothing will matter come 4.0? #dafuq

  21. We should just take this war, and push it somewhere else!

  22. Wait why is there even war again? Was it that library?

  23. lol every war rp post is just another part of this measuring contest among the ooc cliques raging about on who's winning. It would be great if you guys could just stop those if /neither side/ can talk about taking losses, yeah? The rage is real.

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