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Nefarious Aus Shitpost

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Status Replies posted by Nefarious Aus Shitpost

  1. What are the names of the Orc and Dwarven Capital Cities?

  2. The world needs wannabes.

  3. how much Tupac in ya you got ?

  4. So it seems humans have become less popular. Whats the new most played race?

  5. So it seems humans have become less popular. Whats the new most played race?


  7. How do i make books?

  8. How do i make books?

  9. Someone should get to updating that map tab!

  10. Bandit RP has improved 1000%. It's genuinely a pleasure to be robbed by some folks these days. Makes me wish I had more stuff.

  11. Bandit RP has improved 1000%. It's genuinely a pleasure to be robbed by some folks these days. Makes me wish I had more stuff.

  12. Bandit RP has improved 1000%. It's genuinely a pleasure to be robbed by some folks these days. Makes me wish I had more stuff.

  13. how about we turn on leaves despawning and stop banning people over this stupid ****

  14. Everyone should visit The Lusty Alchemist tavern on stone road on the way to humans. It's better than the shrub and it has a tower and a green and yellow flag, it's legit.

  15. Standing up for a new player. That's pretty cool

  16. Oh well, I'm banned. I didn't like the way this server is going with the runescape styled never-ending grinding (except worse because you lose all of your work if you switch skills).

  17. Man, Knights of the Old Republic is pretty fun, I've spent 4 hours on it already. Fun game.

  18. 4.0 is truly the Antipater of all maps for LotC, hats off to the construction crew and technicians!

  19. I don't understand why the main road is regioned, this is the exact "glass casing" thing that happened in Anthos, ery one seems to be off to the wilds first.. which is like miles away from the main road.

  20. The main area being regioned is what drives people to the wilds. I thought the plan was to have the mainland unregioned, like Aegis?

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