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Nefarious Aus Shitpost

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Status Replies posted by Nefarious Aus Shitpost

  1. The GM that screwed up that one time is terrible

  2. Comment your snapchats or add thomascoffee and snap me your fkin name so I know ur not one of those stripper bots

  3. If you haven't heard of them, check out the band Sleeping at Last.


  5. good to be back

  6. Just found out the Westboro Baptist Church has a soundcloud account where they parody popular songs. This is hilariously pathetic.

  7. Bad Suns is a new and pretty sick alternative band, look them up if you're into that.

  8. Who do you think is gonna win the Cup? My bet stays solid on Germany.

  9. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Every 60 seconds in Brazil, Germany scores a goal. Together we can stop this. Please spread the word

  10. sultan abdul abdullah abdulahi ahmed mohammed mohammad the mohammadan of the sarranid sultanate

  11. rip the only good character on lotc

  12. saves town. rp voided. Very fun night. ;P

  13. i wonder if i can use an elfs ear to cut bread

  14. *Ghasp* IM AN OLD HAT!

  15. "Atleast they aren't heterosexual filth."

  16. If I had a mina for everytime josh3738 yelled in teamspeak I would be a VERY rich dwarf.

  17. no one even remembers niedster anymore...

  18. Buy Crusader Kings II, it's $7.99 on Steam.

  19. i need dark elf girl names

  20. I love youtube so much..you can start by listening to some rock then suddenly after an hour or so of clicking you suddenly listen to Caribbean music! So awesome!

  21. Dragons Age is the best. I just wish all these "Other Campaigns" were added to the main one.

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