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Nefarious Aus Shitpost

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Status Replies posted by Nefarious Aus Shitpost

  1. So... Anyone being a heretic today?

  2. LaTerre's ban appeal still hasn't been repied to, 20+ days after the fact.

  3. I'm confused about the region-ing, how far away are the wilds?

  4. Kipples for king under the mountain!

  5. Kipples for king under the mountain!

  6. Note to person who stole my anvil: if you're going to grief to enter a building, don't make it obvious.

  7. Now the question remains, how long shall the next King last?

  8. Now the question remains, how long shall the next King last?

  9. House Blackwell still needs a few more players who are active. PM me for details

  10. Gaius, do you hate dogs?

  11. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.-George Carlin

  12. I've noticed increasingly that people don't understand the term "pugsy". They BR over "pugsying" for a dubious kill and accuse others of pugsying them. You can't pugsy one person any more than you can serial kill one person. A pugsy is a /mass/ noRP killing spree.

  13. Any (preferably Aussie) groups looking for players? :)

  14. What do you do when you can't last half an hour outside of the CT without being PVPd?

  15. Any (preferably Aussie) groups looking for players? :)

  16. What do you do when you can't last half an hour outside of the CT without being PVPd?

  17. What do you do when you can't last half an hour outside of the CT without being PVPd?

  18. So, from what I've seen, resets kill item creation in the workstation ( I lost a bucket making salt because of a reset). Resets occur ever 4 hours. According to he stonemason workstation, glowstone takes over 7 hours to make. Does this mean Glowstone is impossible to make?

  19. Oh, well if you're gonna throw away 3 years of magic RP for me, I guess there's no point.

  20. Please get that Heatmap Plugin going, I'd like safe cities. :)

  21. Praying for the day when my facebook news feed stops consisting out of ice bucket challenge videos.

  22. Lagomorphia is Skeletor.

  23. Let's have a plague that wipes out only the Snow Elves because they think they're a race.

  24. Happy Birthday to Athera's newest Ent, Ruithorn!

  25. I've decided, ill put my current character on hold and try to become a dwarf. I just want to mine and sculpt, and that's pretty much it really in the caverns. Seems cool.

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