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Status Updates posted by VonEbs

  1. *yawns.

    1. Baconthief


      NO SLEEP *Khel cracks his wip*

  2. Fun times in Malinor~

  3. Anthos email?!

    1. everblue2er101
    2. Telanir


      Yeah! It's amazing isn't it!? *drools over keyboard*

    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Hamoflague approves

  4. They took away Dalek's beautiful post on the Brevias strike report. What a shame, it has like +60

    1. Telanir
    2. Telanir


      Wait what? Isn't it still there? O_o

      And it has 56.

  5. Are we going back to Aegis. Ead Shifts thread and tell me what I am supposed to think of it, because it gives me too much hope.

    1. Aiden
    2. Austin


      That map is gone, blown up... Corrupted

    3. everblue2er101


      It's worse than that.

      It's dead, Jim.

  6. There was mass panic when the forums went down for 2 minutes.

  7. I want the server back 3

  8. The server is not up... T.T

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Ik..... Exactly how I feel. I was just going to write in my secret diary :(

  9. Four day weekend~

    1. Braxis


      YUP! Woooot East coast

  10. Finally, my forum account is unbanned. Thanks Danny~

    1. Telanir


      Welcome back to the forums on your account VonEbs.

  11. I'm not, the GMs/ Admins never changed my forum title :/

  12. I would if I could, but once something is printed... woops, can never be undone. Perhaps if you icly submit a correction, I can mention it in th enext issue. :3

  13. Something just happened... Server crash.

  14. Perhaps... the age of man has come.

    1. Raptorious
    2. Samoblivion


      If that is true, this new age shall be baptised in the blood of Valah. Let none forget our fire in the twilight of our race.

    3. Amorphbutt


      I wonder if it would've been better if they started the mass murder of High elves instead of darkies.

  15. Sorry guys, getting off ror now, my minecraft is being uncooperative.

  16. "Next to." That is interesting. I live in the City.

  17. Skippy... no.... T.T

  18. The race curses are poorly rped. Perhaps the server should make an effort to stay true to the lore, or we need to get rid of them.

    1. shiftnative


      Or the curses have since been diluted through the birth of many offspring ;p

    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      that means humans diluted their lifespans?

    3. Bircalin


      One way or another' the curses are no longer rp'd the way I'd imagine was originally intended.

  19. Sorry I had to go. It is really late, and for some reason, the lag is just crippling my computer, so hopefully we can pick it up again tomorrow. ~Ebs

  20. Are we being ddosed? Or do we just really need a restart?

    1. marimbamonk


      DDOS won't affect in-game lagginess. It's just the lack of restarts. :l

    2. VonEbs


      Okay, found out some are having no lag at all. Well, time to call it a night.

  21. Still 2012 here!~

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