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Status Updates posted by VonEbs

  1. Oh my god, that explosion in Texas looked like a nuke going off.

  2. Oh dear. Wraiths. We're totally screwed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ConnorMagill


      I am happy, because this gives me the chance to become one, I want to be a wraith, I want to become one of the darkest most evil souls of Anthos. If there is ever an opportunity to become one, I will totally take it.

    3. Wretched


      The antagonist is not predominantly wraiths :P I'd re-read the post.

    4. ConnorMagill


      Still, I want to be a wraith.

  3. Explosion at the Boston Marathon. Oh dear.

  4. So, is the server down?

  5. Power flickered on and off. There was a Tornado North of me.

  6. This is what a DDos feels like.

    1. ConnorMagill


      Except its not one.

  7. The Privy Council are dropping like flies.

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      *Slaps as commanded to*

  8. Thanks Danny, it was getting annoying having to use my profile page!

  9. Everyone around for April First last year is on high alert.

  10. The server is becoming unplayable. It needs ot be fixed, or the community is going to start hemoraging.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kaiser


      or we could stop complainging and try to fix it.

    3. Drazker


      Sounds like a personal problem, Samson.

    4. Octavion


      I agree with Cow. People need to quit all this pointless complaining.

  11. Well, lost another 157 iron ingots in the rollback. Did not get the money back, so now I lost my fortune I worked hard to get.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skippy


      Typical of this server

    3. EndCallCaesar
    4. VonEbs


      No, it was from 2 private players, a d I do not want them to share in my discontent.

  12. I have been disconnected for weird reasons today, like pressing q too much, and spamming. No idea how that happened.

    1. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)
    2. Pinsir99


      I was just kicked for spamming... So confused.

    3. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)
  13. Mithradites: "And thus the panic began." ~What an epic line

    1. Mithradites



  14. Stuck at school til 5:30, without access to Minecraft T.T

  15. That boat is looking more inviting every declaration.

  16. I went back and read Lucion's thread on racism. Died laughing for the second time.

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