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Everything posted by Ogdan

  1. Name: Braak Age: 32 Race: Human Gender: Male
    1. gingernut97


      That phrase just created two COMPLETELY different scenarios in my head.

  2. I hate when people argue semantics even though both know what they mean.

  3. Ah! Your posts are very helpful. Thank you tons!
  4. Hmm I was trying to make the phrase "To decieve the eye". I understand a bit more now with your explanation. I just thought it'd be cool to have a fitting last name for my character. Edit: Would "Vulsulii" be a suitable last name for the meaning I'm trying to achieve?
  5. Would "Vull'Sulii" as a last name be a correct use of the appostraphe? I'm trying to make an elf name and to be honest I can't tell if its correct or not by the post.
  6. Well this is the second day in a row my school closed the night beforehand!

  7. Make mines harder. I really enjoyed valuing my iron armor very highly. Or if you don't want to find a fix for the mining system, then possibly return losing a percentage of your minas on death? This would really improve highway banditry RP and most all villain RP in general imo. I also came up with this rather distant idea after reading number 4. Possibly somewhere down the line on 4.0 have a god plugin? Where you can sacrifice things to certain gods and you'll get temporary buffs or something like that. Just an idea, not really going to push for it or anything.
  8. I'm trying to make a new Raevir man skin. I dont know where to start. What defines a Raevir?

    1. Swgrclan


      Rugged, dirty, peasant-like, I would assume.

    2. Banzai Flowers

      Banzai Flowers

      Dirty clothes, beard, poor, long hair

  9. Whoever got the first "The Accomplice" book, it has only two pages, contact me please!

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      nah, I got the accomplace #1 and it has 9 pages

    2. Ogdan


      Thats the right one! I put one in the auction house that wasnt complete like a fool, the person bought it for a lot of minas and I want them to have the proper book =/

  10. I'd like to mention that your point is not exactly true. Yes robbing someone on the highway is the only way to get direct minas. But burgularing a house and hawking the wares on the auction house is surely not out of the question? Or perhaps even trying to find a fence to sell your things to for a reduced price, bringing someone else in on your villainy. There is plenty of out of the box thinking that villains could be doing that they are not. There are just too many of the same blood-thirsty, want-to-be-feared, type villains. Edit: I read your post as saying that "robbing someone one the road" while essentially saying "give me some minas or I'll hurt you". Now that I reread your post I understand that this could have gone a few ways and am sorry in advance if I misinterpreted.
  11. I love this and could not agree more +1.
  12. ((This organization is active and I think it CAN have the man power to be done. This has provided me with A LOT of fun RP. Come join in on the fun!!))
  13. MC NAME: Benben582 CHARACTER NAME: *scratched out* D. WHY WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN? I feel that D. would benefit from the guild as he is always on the prowl for more information. Getting insider tips would be perfect for a character like D. WHAT PROFESSION WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE? Not too sure. I'll contact you in game about this. ARE YOU WILLING TO GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY OR TO STEAL TO RECIEVE INFORMATION? Yes DO YOU HAVE A VA? (Y/N) IF SO, PLEASE PUT A LINK. *scratched out*
  14. *hands more fliers to his errand boy and sends him off to put them all over anthos*
  15. Should I buy Fizz or Nautailus? Oh the choices.

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I think nautilus is better right now. Fizz is good too

  16. Ogrim sits at the brothel in Gallmore eating his dinner when his errand boy walks in. He bears news of a new recruit that wields a katana. Ogrim smiles before taking a sip of wine, he moves his inkwell and quill closer. He starts scribbling a note and hands it to his errand boy to send off. ((Sending you a bird ingame))
  17. Ogrim grabs the stack of newly made fliers, handing them to his errand boy to post around the major cities of Anthos. The Gallmore Constabulary Force Gallmore is in need of more military and peacekeepers. The council have abolished the guard and have replaced it with the Gallmore Constabulary Force. Serving as both the peacekeepers of the island, as well as taking up arms in times of war. To join, send a bird to Commisioner Raomir Armon ((Raomir)), leave a note and my errand boy will relay the information, or simply show up on the island. Our captain, Captain Songsteel is a hardened veteran. You will be protecting the good, honest people of Gallmore. You're services with the force will not go unnoticed. Requirements: All members of the force must know how to swim. Gallmore is an island. All members of the force must be trained or pursue training in at least one ranged weapon of their choice. All members of the force must be trained or pursue training in at least one close-range weapon of their choice. Benefits: Members of the force are offered free training in basic medicines and simple injury mending. Members of the force are offered free training in naval combat. All members of the force are granted free housing. All members of the force are granted free rations. You will be provided a uniform upon admittance. You will be equipped, contact a supervisor for preferred armor and weapons. You are not just a man of law. You can have other jobs on the island as well. Uniforms: Regular Peacekeeper: http://imageshack.us...s/585/ckgv.png/ Peacekeeper Captain: http://imageshack.us...s/689/npgx.png/
  18. Keep on, keepin’ on.

  19. Leaves Darkius' shop with a smile on his face. Ogrim hopes this will make it easier to get supplies to the island.
  20. Ogdan Goldhand - Click Here Ogrim Frostbeard Daeron Vullir'Sulii Ben Avice - Deceased Old Age
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