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Status Updates posted by Greener

  1. Can someone do an updated map of Oren with all the counties and duchies pls? 

  2. Can we just have a brewing profession just to make ales etc...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Greener


      ik you can use alchemy just makes no sense and I would love to see brewing profession...

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Ah, it's in the making. At least, according to the techs it is. soon

    4. ThumperJack


      Would be pretty cool, I would be that one guy who makes a char /just/ to use the brewing prof

  3. Could a FM move this thread http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/107736-the-abbey-of-ice/ to Princedom of Fenn sub forum please

  4. Craig and Tweek :( South Park feels

  5. Cya nerds! taking break from lotc. I had amazing times on this server that I won't forget! Bai!

    1. gingernut97
    2. Dreek
    3. Lark


      Bai, come back soon ya' hear :D

  6. Day 5671 Billion - The end of the earth is on us and we are still waiting for lotc to come back up

  7. Did anyone get blood bowl 2?

  8. Do you know how to fly this thing?

    1. Stonefoot


      Nah, but I'm sure it'll be juuust fin-*CRASH*

  9. Does anyone know the rp calender well order of different months?

  10. Does anyone own elite dangerous?

  11. elder scrolls online teaser trailer !


  13. Good banter lads keep it up! I love it! 

  14. happy star wars day everyone may the fourth be with you!

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      May the forth be with you always.

  15. Hmm what about a tavern spotlight idea hmm? Every week a video on a tavern

  16. hmm why did basically all the AT apps just get denied

    1. KarmaDelta


      Same thing I said yesterday, but you can message an FM or GM to move it back or copy/paste a new one. There was a post in the updates and notices.

    2. Space


      Because their all awful probably. Or what Karma said.

    3. Kiiztria


      New AT lead and format I assume

  17. hotshotgg's hair XD

  18. How the hell do I remove a quote box when submitting a reply?

  19. I accept your apology! Kralek 

  20. I have an issue when I go to edit my topic I can only see and edit the start of it not all of it. Help plz

    1. Brent


      Use the full editor.

    2. Sky


      Click edit and then click and click "use full editor"

    3. Greener


      I did that

  21. I need a messy medieval builder. Help anyone!?

    1. AGiantPie


      Try asking the messy medieval chat haha !

    2. Angmarzku


      Hmm messy medieval? I am that type of person/builder

    3. Greener


      I need someone to design a small manor type house with a wall built into it with a courtyard.

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