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Status Updates posted by susitsu

  1. *+1's your locking of the LOA post.*

  2. Today Ive honestly regained some of my faith in the community, a number of people are DISCUSSING instead of ARGUING. While there are some pointless posts flying around on these, it's the majority of them that matters right now, it really does make me happy to see this.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. xmrsmoothx


      >that feel when ignored

    3. Repiteo


      Hopefully my insights comes of as pointful as well. If I start talking pointless shizzle, be prompt and slap me back into reality.

    4. susitsu


      Oh, I thought you were asking an obvious question on purpose as a joke. Read the post I made if you want to find out.

      To Rep, can do, love what you have to say all the time, ever helpful as usual.

  3. I decided it's time I said something about my opinions of the server http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/42526-my-opinion-of-lotc-from-start-to-finish/

    1. susitsu


      I find it funny I went and made this at 4 AM...

    2. V0idsoldier


      Thats when the feelings come out babay.

  4. This day...my god...lol...

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity
    2. Blaedr


      I'm currently humming Walk The Dinosaur to myself. You crazy kids and your pugs.

    3. pugsy



  5. To previous status, this is what I meant: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/41942-the-current-state-of-villainy-on-the-server-and-other-matters/page__st__30 I find it pointless to attempt to discuss on this server anymore, then again I only said that as a nice way for arguing. People just look to what's wrong on this server and never think about the good...they all just want to 'win'...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lym


      I edited the part about the Undeads, everyone wanted the Undeads removed so meh, I don't care about the little aches and pains of the community if it's about Villiany.

    3. susitsu


      Sigh, the removal was a mistake, Aegis is a story that needs to come to an end. Things need to finish and have an ending, it isn't fit right for an open role play scenario with how limited we have been in the past. Also, starting now, Ive been on this server six months...sigh.

    4. susitsu


      Whelp, went for round two. I feel a bit better after getting that off of my chest...

  6. That feel wen you make large thought out posts and someone gives a small response saying they disagree and you just feel like they didn't read it...

    1. Ever
    2. V0idsoldier


      That feel when someone you want to post STILL HASN'T POSTED... I think you know whut I am talking bout Susitsu XD

    3. susitsu
  7. I'm a fairy princess.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dilara(lotteje13)


      your a evil fairy princess...

    3. Swgrclan


      I'm going to capture you. Bowser time.

    4. susitsu


      Lol. Thank you all for support my lovely followers, you shall all be my wondrous fairy subjects!

  8. Waiting for my parents to get home so they can unlock my computer and I can get on Skype to discuss things in the AIC, VAT, and several other chats...sigh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. susitsu


      Well okay then...

    3. Ever


      gimme channel admin

    4. Garet867


      how do you be so awsome? srrsly

  9. I'm not actually sure what I did, but you're welcome!

  10. I'm resisting posting on that RP Mori post oocly so much, just quote the parts about the good 'ol magic house just saying something like "((Oh hey, they were fun to destroy!))" XD

  11. The VA thread is completely organized of old and new apps...We...we've run out of apps to move...WHAT DO WE DO NOW!?!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Coconuta


      Accidently rollback the forum, and have to move them all again


    3. susitsu
    4. Pikel Boldshoulder
  12. Being a stand in for a member of the UIC and a full time VAT member. Gonna be busy...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Wait, the AIC had their first meeting?!

    3. susitsu


      You missed having 50 people all gush their issues at you, Gaius!

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      *hugs Susitsu for encouragement*

      Keep on going bro!

  13. ...Then sleep?

  14. Congrats on getting that amazing VA accepted, this from a member of the VAT.

  15. Random compliments!? Blasphemy! I thank you for that and find the fact that you almost beat me at one point with Keya by killing her with magic to be an ingenious work around to my power, that was a very skilled move as an RPer and you did make it interesting with that. Honestly at first Lucas was taking his time then he heard you were using magic and rushed like hell.

  16. Guards call it powergaming to be able to emote easily moving your hands away when they only emote "cuffs him". I call it laughing at them.

    1. Repiteo


      ...I wont even begin to go into whats wrong with how stupid that is.

      So Ill just nod, give the old fashioned and overdone "guards cant RP" shizz (which ironically they cant in this case), and lay back in my hammock with a satisfied grin.

    2. bungo


      Powergamers these days...

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      ^Agreed. Lucas, you need to lay back!


  17. So a guy tried to no-rp kill me with a wood sword. Banned via these screenshots being shown to Liri on TS and him attempting to no-rp kill someone right in front of her. http://img580.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=20120204153902.png

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Swgrclan


      lol'd from those screens

    3. CowsGoMoo
    4. realslimshady


      I know that guy from another server - he recently cheated on his own town and stole most of their stuff XD, probably decided to try trolling a diff server. I don't know what's been going on with this guy, I knew him back in early august and I thought he was kind of funny. It's sad to see people devolve like this.

  18. Eh, I know it's a bit soon for ANOTHER status updat, but...I have spent so many hours now moving VAs >.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Susitsu does VA's?


    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Reread it, he's just moving them ^_^

    4. susitsu


      I'm on the VAT so derp.

  19. They were redoing how the poll was, you just have to vote again.

  20. Huh, I was about to vote SimonBane and Swgrclan on the vote, wonder why it was locked.

  21. We are having VAT movie night with LotR. YOU ARE ALL SO JELLY.

  22. Epic RP fights EVERYWHERE!

    1. Akorta


      YTour name isblue now.

    2. Akorta


      YTour name isblue now.

    3. Aryon


      Dat RP fight.

  23. Another note, we're talkin' about some stuff and want to do a REALLY epic rp fight tomorrow.

  24. Can't send you PMs, but here ya go:

    Subject: How we ended the fight

    Basically it's RPed as you ditched with a laugh making him overuse his power in a blow and you was like "Muhahaha, thanks a lot Lucas, all because of you I can regain my power!" *Absconds*

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