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Status Replies posted by Silent™

  1. Who wants to play WoW with me? Lvl 92 Human Paladin. Pls contact me

  2. Was the first Horen father of Humanity called Horen I of house Horen?

  3. Is there a way to turn golden nuggets back into bars?

  4. this is the way athera ends, this is the way athera ends. Not with a bang, but with a buddy list.

  5. when you have to explain what lord of the craft is to an onlooking family member

  6. Any ideas for a funny/unique Character?

  7. Rollbacks make for very immersive roleplay.

  8. when, or of i get unbanned, i think ill do what i did before and make skins and then post them, and if anyone wants them, they just comment on the status saying they want it and ill give it to them

  9. When will the server update to Spigot 1.8? ;_;

  10. I swear I slept like 12 hours and I'm still exhausted

  11. New star wars trailer:

    Idk how I feel about this. . .
  12. I find it annoying how it is impossible to have a horse on this server without someone screwing up sooner or later and it dying...

  13. Who wants to fight?

  14. Anyone interested in being interviewed?

  15. http://imgur.com/Dr262L0,Ca1kHNA - Quite possibly the most grim mission in the cod series.
  16. We're down to rank 13, guys. Keep the votes coming, we can't lose to this lame other server!!

  17. Whohoo I won with voting :D, gratz to the other winners aswell :)

  18. Do compost bins work automatically or is there something i'm missing?

  19. Guess what! Rank 27 on minestatus AND THE SECOND RANK AT THE SECOND PAGE!

  20. I didn't even notice that it was my 3 year anniversary 4 days ago...

  21. Who would I talk to if I wanted to PK one of my characters into a grraven?

  22. If only we had a custom client, with mods, for the server...

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