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Queen of Aegis

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Status Updates posted by Queen of Aegis

  1. just remember guys. It's not gay if it's on the moon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Telanir
    3. Dtrik


      Time to smash with Dungrimm.

    4. Eleatic


      its not gay if the balls dont touch

  2. just wait, you all shall see my sexyness and pickuppskillz!

  3. last day in England... I dont wanna go home... anyone who is english wanna adoptme/me make his/her brother?

  4. lol, people thinking its a horse... it is clearly a female player :D

    1. EmeraldStag


      =_= Do I even have to say it at this point?



      You don't. Stop it.

  5. may 4th liberation day of the netherlands... may the brave be remembered who faught for our freedom during WW2

  6. Me and Geo are now the Scottish and Dutch GM GMT brahs!


  8. Monkey I am sorry, I shall no longer joke with you... as a AT member I can't do this anymore according to the law :(

  9. nice those gyazo's, yet sadly skype ain't no LotC medium so it isn't usable lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. krushaa


      lol you peasant back off

    3. Pinsir99


      harrasment is different than 'gm corruption'

    4. Cracker


      Free AiiM then

  10. no more lessons since 12:00 but have to wait till 2 pm before detention starts....FML

  11. no problem have fun with it if you are going to buy it

  12. NO! You basterds! where did the funny adblock memes go! I hate all of you!

    1. JtPv


      They replaced the images....with Ads. Nice.

    2. MrSyth


      They replaced the ads... with ads...

  13. nou kijk die oenemeloenen van een liri en uracow denken dat Skippy en ik een flamewar gingen starten.. dus.. ik mag niet meer omgeinen :(

  14. off to paris for 4 days, cya guys!

  15. OMG Danny is leaving whyy!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      Especially that 'BoomBox' kid.

    3. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      Yeah that BoomBox kid annoys me as well, always trying to be funny and mature... I hate him..

    4. Beneh


      I know ! We all do.

      I jest.

  16. ooh im green now...Purple is more manly..I miss it..

    1. Skippy
    2. Nethrel


      We have too many App team members... why can't everyone just be players! It's a lot more fun :')

  17. Pff Volutional, who ever said I am here to better the server? I am here to act silly!

  18. Pretty good. Pretty busy and getting my pc back tonight!

  19. Quote of the day: "It's not gay if it's on the moon"

    1. Guest


      Silly Jack

  20. Should I get the Razer Tiamat 2.2 or the Turtle Beach Ear Force Z6A?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elfen_


      Get both. Just incase

    3. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      Thanks excluded

      And I don't have that much money Glylith :P

    4. Chaqery


      Yea I've got a pair of Tiamats. Absolutely badass.

  21. so many support on my va thnx guys :D hope it gets accepted soon

  22. So... Malinor is the new Salvus (Asulon one)?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lord_Sauron_


      When thecouncil finally completely steps down, the governments of theothet nations will end their calls of battle. Malinor may be fragile, and beholdedn (however unwillingly) to the other nations for a while, but we shall soon bounce back, better than ever. Strong ties with other nations are often standard for a successful new government made by rebellion.

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Hopefully we get some bloody good wood elves out of the deal.

    4. Lord_Sauron_


      If you mean to eat...I'll pass. If you mean for leaders, even race distribution and representation is not only a necessity, but one of the main focusses. (Is that a word?)

  23. so... uhm... can we get a reason for all these crashes?

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      I for one think it's something to do with the Auction plugin, for some reason.

    2. Cappy
    3. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      isn't it some plugin we recently added?

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