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Everything posted by Abyssus

  1. i support this only because there is no male only creature
  2. >when you get pugsied and lose all your crap

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      I really wish they had an anime that was like the Ring so everytime you watched it a killer would come and ******* murder you because you're disgusting anime watchers REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    3. Kim


      Freya, anything with  SAO elements is doome THAT ANIME IS ****.

    4. Neri


      preach it keemama

  3. Blood Paladin's huh? I think it'll open up some interesting avenue's and twists to deity RP, unless of course, they completely allow it. Has my support, most arguments from what I can tell are from a IC perspective, OOCly I don't see much an issue besides possible niche groups forming within these deity orders and the magic becoming stuck there.
  4. I've actually for a long time wanted something like this, and I really like it. But course I have some concerns, as follows. Just how rare is this Prism gem(This sounds repetitious, but I meant on an OOC level)? How does one acquire one? Is there a limit to how many can exist at one time(Assuming there are infact more then one)? Forgive me if there are some answers to this in the initial post, haven't had my coffee yet.
  5. I agree with kebab on this one, it's a good idea and as a alchemist I actually think this was already a side effect, but despite the lore being accepted, the one's pvping with it consistently arn't going to regard/care about this lore at all, and they're the people who use it the most. As far as a dev implementing it, the only thing I see possible on implementation would be slowness, going along with the hampered movement. But then again, I'm not a dev, so I'm probably wrong. My two cents.
  6. I approve, the old lore really needed a re-doing.
  7. Guild you wish to be associated with: The Al-Whakrah Mages Guild Guild you wish to be associated with: The Al-Whakrah guild if possible. A letter would soon reach the individuals, stating simply "Accepted, you will be contacted soon." ((PS: Sorry for the wait, my internet was being problematic.
  8. A bird would deliver a letter, it simply stating on the front. "Accepted, you will be contacted shortly."
  9. A bird seems to return to the man, dropping a rather formal letter "Accepted, you'll be contacted shortly." is all it simply reads.
  10. ((OOC)) MC Name:DRM0NST3ROFD00M Skype:zack.curtis3 Timezone:CST IC Name:Guarger Tsouderous Race:Human Nation Allegiance (Only if you are a political member, this does not count citizenship): Age:25 Can you fight?:Yes. Do you know magic?:Yes. Would you do work (Nexus professions) for the Scions?:Mining and Farming
  11. Given Name: Guarger Tsouderous True Name (MC Name): DRM0NST3ROFD00M (Skype Name): zack.curtis3 Race? Human Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician? The Magician. Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? I swear.
  12. Given Name: Guarger Tsouderous True Name (MC Name): DRM0NST3ROFD00M (Skype Name): zack.curtis3 Race? Human Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician? The Magician. Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? I swear.
  13. ((MC NAME)): Blockcraft1234 ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): zack.curtis3 Name: Zack Age: 16 Reason for signing up: Character is a mercenary and requires a new group. Weapon of choice: Sword. Previous combat experience: Mercenary. Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): None. Any Questions:
  14. Minecraft Name - Blockcraft1234 Character Name - Guarger Tsouderous Are you an accepted student or teacher of Räine Academy? - Yep. Are you an active student or teacher in Räine Academy? - Yep. Please provide a link to a picture or download of your skin. - ((Grab my new skin.
  15. OOC: MC Name: Blockcraft1234 Age: 15 Country: USA Timezone: Central USA TIME Skype Name: zack.curtis3 Do you have Teamspeak?:Yes How long have you been playing on the server?: Since Asulon How long you can you be online per day?: Depends upon my access to internet What past guilds have you been apart of?: Delvers, There are a couple others I have forgotten Have you ever held a leadership role before?: Yes Do you have a VA? (What evils?): No RP: Name: Guarger "Prophet" Tsouderous Age: 26 Race:Human Past Experience in military and combat: Archery, Swordmanship, What are your skills?: Jack of all Trades What weapon do you prefer?: Bow and a Sword Or either is fine Why do you wish to join the Order?: Rp reasons What are some strength’s of yours?: I am very acrobatic Tell us more about yourself (Brief Biography): Mother and father killed by bandits, Raised by monks, Have been in many unique situations, Very manipulative
  16. Name(Rp Name): Guarger Tsouderous (Skype if you own one): zack.curtis3 (McName): Blockcraft1234 Race: Human Why do you wish to join: I was told you required an Alchemist (Do You Have A Va?and what types): No VA's What Skills do ye have? I am a Doctor, Tinker, Scientist, Alchemist, Solider
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