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Status Updates posted by xmrsmoothx

  1. Hot damn. That was a hell of a post in the bandit thread.

  2. Huh, so Lark's Tongues in Aspic came out before Dark Side of The Moon.

  3. I almost have more reps than you!

  4. I always feel so naughty when I make new characters.

    1. Ever



    2. Swgrclan



      Too many.

  5. I don't need to powergame to win every fight. Because I don't get INTO fights.

  6. I don't see "orc" in your name though

  7. I don't think there are more than a dozen characters in Asulon with living parents.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Mine are! Just... Nobody RP's them. -.-

    3. Raptorious


      I have. No idea where they are anymore though. I did in Aegis though.

    4. ShadowoKing


      Got living parents but the players are in different timezone, kinda do not know where they are and well my character hate one parent.

  8. I don't wanna write another word about the HISTORY OF AUTOMOBILES.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xmrsmoothx



      *gets on his/her/its knees.

    3. Coaster



      *goes to write entire thing*

    4. 0000


      *writes a book on the history of Autombiles, names the author Briannabelle, and gives it to her*

  9. I don't want to do this, you know.

    I want to comply.

    Just tell me.

  10. I dunno, I could say you're pr. sexy.

  11. I enjoy your 'services'.

  12. I expected the classic 'space-banana cut in half' joke.

  13. I feel absolutely aimless.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xmrsmoothx


      Wouldn't a homeless person have more to aim for?

    3. CowsGoMoo


      You have nothing to aim for, if you've already gotten everything you've aimed for.

      That's the feeling of aimlessness IMO.

    4. HappyShackles
  14. I find it strange that my VA got four minus-ones in less than an hour.

  15. I got a pair of cherry-red, seven-inch heels, and white thigh-highs with bows on the tops.

  16. I gotta' make a new character or you'll out-char me

  17. I hate how whenever an Elin stands idly, they HAVE to have that ditzy, arms-sorta-out-palms-facing-ground-spacing-out pose. It's annoying.

  18. I hate it when you have friends >_>

  19. I hate your avatar

  20. I have to write a thesis paper tomorrow.

  21. I like that my character never gets told "helmet off please" because his helmet is on my minecraft skin.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Respiren


      I used to tell new players to change their skin, when I saw that on applications, telling them it won't work with helemts..

    3. xmrsmoothx


      Well that's a little silly.

    4. CTap


      good idea, but im to lazy to do that

  22. I like the huge variety of shooty stuff. It's kinda like with EVE.

  23. I love seeing my reputation go down

    1. Taiga


      That tingling feeling of hatred.

      Once you see it, you know tears were shed. You know the rumour, they're delicious I hear...

    2. Ursolon
    3. Rhisereld


      Oh, you probably just expressed an unpopular, yet insightful opinion. Don't worry about it.

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