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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Trouvo

  1. DUDE most awesome thing ever check it out!!!! http://goo.gl/SP6oxz

    1. Trouvo


      You know you want to!

    2. Trouvo


      i know its too awesome XP

  2. trying to figure out the age of my elf, how many years has it been since Drachriem? the end of Aegis?

    1. Swgrclan


      Roughly a century to a century and a half.

  3. I just voted for the server and brought us up to rank 89, will your vote bring us higher? VOTE NOW to find out http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft/vote

  4. Can an FM that is available PM me real quick? I derped again....

    1. Trouvo


      thanks Bircalin!

    2. Bircalin


      *jigs about on the spot

  5. Looks like I will be doing 13 VAs tonight, once I get to work so in a few hours, applicants might want to take a few minutes to double check your work just in case

  6. IDK what a GCSE is but I did get a 1450 on my SATs in 2001 lol

    1. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      *brofists his fellow old person

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      No, too much effort and hurts Australian players.

    2. Trouvo


      I play during GMT/Aussie time... did you read my post? QQ

  7. Thanks for moving that derp for me!

  8. CRAP! can an FM move this to accepted VAs i accidently clicked archives.... http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/94969-addies-minor-va/#entry851178

  9. Its nice looking in the VA forum and seeing nothing ready to review XD

    1. Samsan99


      :O i has fixed your problem

  10. Every VA that does not have a request on it has been reviewed!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trouvo
    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      so what you mean is; denied, denied, denied, denied, denied :P

    4. BrandNewKitten


      Trou only denied 4. Accepted 15. What is the world coming to?!

  11. A wild Eevee appears!

    1. Neri


      Spheal uses 'funny clap', and gains +10 adorability.

    2. Phibbup


      Use a thunderstone on that sh** and it'll be good for once.

  12. Accidental Necroforumancied.... QQ

  13. Speaking of this topic..... Gravens commiting Villainous acts still require a VA, I spoke to a couple on the server the other night, and this is confirmation for you and for any other current gravens and any possible future gravens. This does not mean you can not be a Graven without a VA, just does not make it so you can skip doing a VA for villainous acts. ( The events the other night included ooc confusion, and where ok'd by the recieving party oocly, I witnessed the whole thing and let it go at that time until this could be confirmed as the actions were bordering on villainous and the only thing that got close was unprovoked attacking) Other than that though, the Rp was enjoyable, not only for me but for the drawn crowd I would assume as well, WELL DONE!
  14. Insomnia sucks....

  15. Wootz back on the VAT!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gingernut97



    3. Trouvo


      *watches those applying for a VA slink into the shadowy corners lol

    4. Trouvo


      thanks guys

  16. Any gms online to do a quick modreq i put in to remove an lwc for a house i just bought?

  17. I didnt have a dream...Im still at work XP

    1. CTap


      oh my god you're sooo funnnyyyy hahahahahaaa

    2. Trouvo


      No need to be rude

    3. CTap
  18. Yeah I am back, even had made a post in the Off topic section bout it lol

  19. Yay, interwebs turned on at our new place

  20. The server couldnt handle me again...sorry guys! lol

    1. ◀ Doone ►

      ◀ Doone ►

      ..You're back..? -random spammed letters- "That's sweet."

  21. 7/10 at the least, I remember you!
  22. Reading an old topic, I really missed being on here, and am glad to finally come back! (this one http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/52954-most-noted-player-trouvo/page-1 )

    1. Praetor


      I've missed that.

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