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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Sporadic

  1. Thanks devs for rushing a broken update that causes crashes and is also delaying building projects that need schematica.

  2. Christmas Day and the high elf **** posting is still on point ??

  3. So apparently there's such thing as tier 7 and a tier 8, and blundermore and ambros are tier 7's? What the hell? This is a legitimate thing, too? Why the hell wasn't the playerbase told by the MAT?

  4. I can write a 1000 word essay on all the reasons to immerse yourself into the world of Anime but i can only write 198 words of a 500 word essay on the point of view of a historical leader. *Sighs* someone kill me now.

  5. Why don't we add soulbinding as an available enchantment so that non-vips can get it too?

    Make it only available on non-weapons of course.

  6. Why don't we add soulbinding as an available enchantment so that non-vips can get it too?

    Make it only available on non-weapons of course.

  7. Why don't we add soulbinding as an available enchantment so that non-vips can get it too?

    Make it only available on non-weapons of course.

  8. Enchanting news and update on server status.


    So, first and foremost the server's status is currently due to issues with our DDoS protection provider, a lot of traffic is passing through and tests are being conducted at the same time to help ensure stability. it means, for the meanwhile, connections will be a little bit unstable - nothing I nor Tythus can do about it.

    And now, enchanting!


    This is a good post for anyone who is remotely curious about the changes in 1.9, why they were made, and what the future holds. For LotC, after reviewing this, it's very likely that enchanting will gain a lot more versatility as we'll be less afraid to allow higher level enchantments which can possibly break the game for us.

    Diamond armor could also possibly make a come back with the armor re-scaling, a lot of possibilities are on the table with the minecraft 1.9 update!

  9. Can't kowaban the kowaman

  10. Three words: Mali'aheral - Bathhouse - Chaos

  11. And I hope if I find the strength to walk out, you'd stay the hell out of my way.

  12. When someone says Wood Elves are better than High Elves http://gyazo.com/78d94e71ff571872052d22eb3079aa81

  13. Whats the elvish word for Sapphire, emrald, ruby, gold, silver and diamond???

  14. The girls in my school are so damn rude when it comes to hall etiquette. Most groups of guys walking down the halls move or disperse for someone, but most girl groups remain unmoving, expecting everyone else to bend around them. So unrelenting.

  15. Why is the server hosted on a potato. o-o

  16. Why didn't anyone call PVP default on Iblees?

  17. I have recently seem to be going the high Elf route because I see rp is better there then anyother place on lotc, It is only my opinion :( sorry if any of you guys dissapprove

  18. Checklist for Seperation of IC and OOC in passive-aggressive LOTCF roleplay wars:

  19. Is Asexuality actually a sexuality, or is it the lack of sexuality? not attacking, just trying to understand. if you're not attracted sexually to anyone, then it's not an actual sexuality, right?

  20. inb4 high elves team up with feral elves to take wood elves down

  21. inb4 high elves team up with feral elves to take wood elves down

  22. Freema's post makes me want to play a kha.

  23. So when we same status players be able to not hurt eachother? Wait, do we even have coders?

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