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Status Updates posted by Sporadic

  1. Well it was a fun 12 hours, but I did it :D

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      No, a majority of the players are not up at the moment so they decided to wait till tomorrow.

    3. Archbishop


      You don't need most of the playerbase joining in as soon as the server opens. They joined whenever they would like to. We've been delayed on maps enough.

    4. GodEmperorFlam


      :P Not my decision to make, I'm just letting you know what happened.

  2. When someone says Wood Elves are better than High Elves http://gyazo.com/78d94e71ff571872052d22eb3079aa81

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DelaneyG


      why do you have 3 rows of health lol

    3. Rassidic


      ^ i too wonder this

    4. Sporadic


      It's the construct race

  3. Why? Are you making me an offer?

  4. Yep still down. With blood sweat and tears and too many hours I fixed everything but the world holes. There's 4 as far as I've counted em. We wait for Tythus with the backup now or just accept this random act of the gods.

    1. Space


      How bout a livestream? 4.0 info Q&A

    2. Praetor


      The Fringe is fked up as it is. Might as well have a few meteorites crash into it.

    3. Dtrik


      gg mages guild's books

  5. You know what doesn't make ban reports against you when removed? Java code. Drop that GM app and learn some Bukkit! #TechPrivilige

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Stigwig


      Learning Java is useful.. But it takes actual effort..

    3. monkeypoacher


      I support this. :)

    4. Lima
  6. You say I'm here to entertain you. That's fine, that's valid. Just keep in mind that when I read that, this is what I invariably think of:

    1. J


      Well, only if I had you, Sporadic.

    2. oblivionsbane


      Spor, why do you even know a song by Adam Lambert?

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