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Wolf Druid Ouity

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Status Replies posted by Wolf Druid Ouity

  1. Hope i get accepted :D

  2. -_- Just failed three captchas in a row. I am a robot.

  3. That feeling when your base is just outside the map limit... Noooooo

  4. Your Aegis character either dies a hero, lives in obscurity, or has something really /really/ weird happen to them.

  5. How often do you guys use your right control key?

  6. Lost a 32 page book to lag. Fml.

  7. LOTC trivia of the flay: Why has no one thought of this clever idea yet.

  8. Thing I hate about PVP is how when I try and sprint it often doesnt sprint properly and I glitch in and out of sprinting. How fix?

  9. Wait wait wut...? Knox is permabanned?

  10. i hope there are better aprils fools jokes planned

  11. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the most notable mountain of Oren in Aegis?

  12. I am really getting sick of PVP....

  13. those vip perks are sure some new form of disaster

  14. I think I got it! The "ages ten and up" restriction must be a skills thing. Since kids can't have skills you're not wanted to play them all of a sudden, that's my bet. Ten minas anyone?

  15. Why do humans ICly hate elves?

  16. Somebody help me through this nightmare, I can't control myself, and we believe it's not the real me, somebody help me rain this animal I have become.

  17. Hiatus for a week or so, stuck in the hospital w/o a stable computer.

  18. Dirty Elf Cyberers *shakes head*

  19. I still think you shouldn't be able to sprint in Iron Armour

  20. love overcomes me like a wave of repent

  21. Here's a druid staff fit for a mouse I made out camping this weekend http://i.imgur.com/9zJYmDs.jpg

  22. I enjoy how certain Harbingers Alts are also Golden Lance. >_>

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