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Wolf Druid Ouity

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Status Replies posted by Wolf Druid Ouity

  1. how much minas do we keep in transition to 4.0

  2. For the sake of Old Farts everywhere I am trying, but I will soon be overrun and forced to pass the crown... http://i.imgur.com/tMZhkIb.png

  3. What did Server mean to me? Well, to many of us, he was steadfast, reliable, and always fun to be around. But to me, server was a friend, and a shoulder to cry on. Godspeed, Server.

  4. why the **** would anyone want to praise a ball of gas in the void of space. it can like, explode and destroy EVERYTHING. and also collapse upon itself and create a void within the void that sucks in EVERYTHING. wait, no, nevermind.

  5. Anyone else just crash?

  6. My family is moving, but we really have no place to go, so really soon I'm just not going to be on for a while. I enjoyed being back and all, but things happen. This isn't for /right this moment/, but it'll be really soon.

  7. Wait Pugsy was an actual player? Was he like the first pugsier of LotC?

  8. ip for lotc does not work

  9. rip in pieces eddyvilson_lotc, lisa anne will always be remember....

  10. Thinking about doing a contest for some games I had purchased. What should the contest be?

  11. #ETpvpmasters2014

  12. Hi Guys, I'm new to LoTC. Hoping to have some fun : )

  13. This is a question to all those people with unique animals as pets (etc giant friggin spiders, ice snakes or whatnot); did you have to write lore and stuff for it? Do other people have pets from the same lore you wrote?

  14. So any good Skinners out there that can do very good detailed skins PM please, need a skin for Meet the Elves/Human.. :) Please and Thank you

  15. So what is the mysterious reasoning behind Dread Knights, Ender Pearls, Golems, and other such things getting the plague?

  16. can someone get rid of the plague its really crap

  17. I just rolled a 20/20 when my character was staring at the water to learn water evo.

  18. Getting back into the full swing of LoL. Any recommended champions for a returning person?

  19. that orphan kid was the best archer in his hamlet

  20. There is an appeal that is ghetting close to a month without a verdict, where the hell are the GMs?

  21. First driving lesson in 10 minutes oh dear

  22. Going for my chemotherapy soon :s

  23. Happy Birthday to Spinzir! Give him presents and adoration or die

  24. The high elves, in their entire history I'm aware of, have only made 2 "unkind requests" both times... To the druids.

  25. So just to verify whenever 4.0 comes will everyone lose all items and minas?

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