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Wolf Druid Ouity

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Status Replies posted by Wolf Druid Ouity

  1. So bored. So tired. Nothing to do and its 4am. I should sleep but is it weird I can't will myself to get off the computer and go to bed? I'm not even doing anything right now.

  2. It's been a bloody long time since I've been in the daily top posters, this is messed up.

  3. Heya folks, I need someone with vast knowledge of Orenian history to help me work on an advertisement project!

  4. I did it again. I stayed up all night. Wonder if I should take a nap or not

  5. thunderstorms: nature's alarm clock

  6. The sum total of the high elven involvement is "oh... Better obey the legal document we signed".

  7. The sum total of the high elven involvement is "oh... Better obey the legal document we signed".

  8. #bringbackdiamondarmour2k14

  9. who da leader guy of raevir? i want to send you a pmmmmmmmm

  10. Anyone remember Aegis 1.5?

  11. Has anyone ever seen a proper Mage battle where both mages don't power game, don't rage LOOC/OOC and don't /roll , at all? If so, was the battle interesting? I am looking to try out a little battle with someone; a friendly battle. PM me on the forums and we can see what can be done :)

  12. Screw me maybe, but yelling "HALT" doesn't exactly qualify as good enough RP for PVP defaulting...

  13. Beautiful streamer, please open for me. Blue skies above me with no canopy. I counted ten thousand, waited to long. Reach for my rip cord, the handle was gone.

  14. i will single-handedly ensure that exploring is rewarding and fun(ny)

  15. Roll Druid for class and profit.

  16. Planning a surprise party for a friend, any suggestions? Only thing I've gotten so far is having it themed as 'gender-bend' for all those attending.


  18. I take my last bow now.

  19. Shade isn't a race, guys.

  20. If nothing doesn't exist, why can we conceive it?

  21. The players should explore more of the antag realm while you still can.

  22. Are Creepers meant to be in the Red Realm?

  23. I really hope the rule on banned pugsiers being permabanned changes soon. All the interesting stuff is happening now ;(

  24. commence exodus round 2

  25. If a cat is a dog, and a dog is a cat what is a fox?

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