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Wolf Druid Ouity

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Everything posted by Wolf Druid Ouity

  1. If you have a link to your VA or char sheet anywhere, you have to repaste the link. All forums signs IG probably broke too.

    1. E__V__O


      I don't know why :( But anyway~ thank you for the update.

  2. I made that list awhile back and forgot to update it when I posted this, there are a LOT of kids I missed Q_Q I'll update eventually. EDIT: THERE ALL 8 OF THEM
  3. /sob I didn't even pick it, Saviticus gave it to him Q_Q
  4. Wolf Druid Ouity Nicknames: Quity, apparently. Age: 330’s Gender: Male Race: Human Status: ALIVE Description Height: 6’2~ Weight: 210 lbs Body Type: Well-muscled, imposing in stature. Eyes: Green Hair: Short brown, tends to be in a state of disorder. Skin: Light skinned Markings/Tattoos: Barky texture will often be present across his skin, almost rash like, though with some effort, Ouity is capable of repressing the rough texture with a pseudo-skin to disguise his true nature. Health: In perfect health. Personality: Brooding, and easily annoyed. He takes a sort of pleasure in hiding behind a mask of ignorance, though when his help is fully required, one may find that he has a wealth of information and wisdom far beyond what he lets on. Inventory: Ouity always carries a gnarled staff of jungle wood. Unknown to most, it holds a tremendous weight, perhaps 50-60lbs. The cause is a great deal of wood condensed into the confines of the staff, to be used if the need for protection is urgent. The staff is capable of forming into just about any shape a Druid might need. He also keeps seeds, saplings, and simple herbs like blissfoil on his person at all times. Further Details: He has a beard, I guess. Life Style Alignment*: True Neutral Deities: The Aspects Religion: Druidism Alliance/Nation/Home: Malinor Job/Class: Druid Title(s): Wolf Profession(s): Causing mischief, taking in orphans. Special Skill(s): Rampant gardening. Flaw(s): Ouity is easily goaded into losing his temper, and all it takes to illicit rage is a few well aimed jibes. Magic* Current Status: Very magics. Arch-type: Druidism Sub-Type: Communication, Blight Healing, Control: T4 Shapeshifting: T1 Rank: Heirophant Weakness(es): Without something natural nearby, powers are rendered utterly useless. Strength(s): Ouity is a hard match for any to face in the right place; the forests of Malinor, for example. He is also able to manipulate his staff, meaning that in order to best him, you need to first separate him from his walking stick, and weapon of choice. Current Spell(s): ??? Weaponry Fighting Style: Close combat, hand to hand, supplemented by Druidic powers Trained Weapon: One handed weapons (shortsword, ax), quarterstaff Favored Weapon: Staff and sword Archery: Slim training Biography Parents: Pointless side characters who died before he existed. Siblings: None Children: Willow, Ruaonna, Elyswen, Maiku, Oropher, Clara, Extended Family: Pet(s): A hawk named Chirr. History Artwork
  5. What I SHOULD be doing: Working on a research paper

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      What I AM doing: Ouity's bio

    2. Demotheus


      What we think you're doing: Yeah pretty much that.

    3. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      Lol, thought I was the only one.

  6. Don't post your MC name on this status! >:(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AllenTheGreat


      your MC name on this status! >:(

    3. Devin~


      I see what you did there^

    4. Glyc


      your MC name on this status! >:(

  7. Finished Lilo and Stitch again ;A; Aaah such a great movie.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gemmylou


      Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten,

    3. Galendar


      I was forgotten

    4. Nug


      you deserved it thought, galendar

  8. Lilo & Stitch is now on Netflix, time to re-watch my favorite movie ever. /excited wiggle

    1. Raptorious


      Goddamn that movie is amazing!!!

  9. It's actually happened more than once- Arik and Saviticus are good cases, Savvy started speaking exclusively in the third person awhile back, and Arik sort of goes in and out of rhyming everything he says- most recent examples I can think of. I think that the fact that the Aspects patron nature, it might make sense to evaluate them on a slightly different plane than say Aeriel. Since the Druids and the Aspects are all about nature and achieving a perfect state with it, it might not really make sense for a Druid to shrivel up into a weak little husk. I've roleplayed Ouity for awhile now as a pretty well built Northerner, and I haven't encountered any issues or negative feedback for it. In my mind, since that's how he was born, and was pre-Druidism, that's how he'd stay. To summarize, if a Druid can use the Aspects' power to make things around them lush and full of life through the power of the, what's to stop them from receiving the same gift? Of course, as I said before, Druidism (again, how I've been roleplaying it since I started, feel free to shoot me down) feels to me like more of a mentally taxing branch of magic. During situations of high stress or combat, a Druid must be aware of his goal (healing/defeating another player) while focused on himself, his actions, his conflict (a swing of the ax, internal bleeding) and every last living thing that happens to be nearby. A Druid is at the center of their power in a forest like Malinor, but being exposed to so much raw life can leave an unprepared mind caught completely unawares. A Druid might simply stop in the middle of combat, overwhelmed by the sensation of connection; or at the very least fumble in some way. It creates a more interesting depth to magical weakness, and also offers interesting long term roleplay opportunities (IE insanity, lapses of focus, judgement, occasional misplacement of identity etc etc.) Sorry for any silly errors or rambling. It's late, but I had to jot something down before I crashed. EDIT:[12:20:26 AM] George (Ouity): One of the examples I used earlier was loosing sense of what's going on with the actual Druid, who might be overwhealmed by the nature he's communing with essentially it leaves the same openings being weak would in a more interesting and dynamic way
  10. Any Kerbal Space Program fans out there?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blundermore


      I play KMP, Kerbal missle Program, the program funded by the Kerbin Government in the technology of not using landing legs to put Kerbals on the Mun.

    3. Samoblivion


      Nearly to the Mun at the cost of a mere 294 lives!

    4. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      My Mun base and space station are my babies.

  11. I always liked to think of Druidism as having more of a mental impact- as the Druid's mind brushed with nature, he would find himself more and more distant from his own consciousness. The more one tapped the power of their link, the more frayed their mind becomes, till things like a sword flying at you really aren't that noticeable in the grand scheme of all the flowers around you. Food for thought; I always figured that was a little more interesting than /gets tired or /is weaker.

  13. Was thinking about going back to the app team- full Q_Q

    1. Devin~


      You must prove your worth by a trial of blood and fire! Oh and blackmail a current member of the App Team in order to replace them....

    2. Aislin



    3. MonkeyCoffee



  14. We need more explosives.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. everblue2er101
    3. JtPv


      Or else we'd have the Edgies blowing up cities. I can see it now..."The Hooded Man casually drops a grey powder on the floor"

    4. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      Every problem in a man's life can be solved with explosives.

      No es verdad?

  15. The word of the day is "Happy." be it.

    1. Urasept
    2. Rassidic


      The new word of the day is "Sadness." Feel it.

    3. Devin~


      The new new word of the day is "Stupidity," stop showing it.

  16. Got my mind on bonemeal and bonemeal on my mind.

  17. I always feel sort of slightly surprised to not have 1 star whenever I look at my profile.

  18. New avatar, new problems

  19. The awkward moment when the one who can't smell gets the apples to apples card about smelling. Hehehehe

  20. Homie you and I gotta start a fight in a crowded square again sometime.

  21. Go to the Druid eclipse party pls :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Evilbanana5757
    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      5:00 EST. Booze yes, bring your own drugs. Horses shot on sight.

  22. Sapling here, sapling there, saplings, saplings everywhere!

  23. Who the heck are you, and how do I get my member group blue like that? 7.5/10 I GESS
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